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tobychev boosted

The number of mass killing fatalities in the US through April, annualized, would represent about a 50% increase over 2022. Family-related mass killings are up around 100%.
#nowyouknow #massshooting #homicide #family #familyviolence

They are for mounting the new 20m comic sans logo Fabiola ordered when she got her second appointment

tobychev boosted

Regarding the latter, my own complaints are more along the line of the professor's who says “using Mastodon can feel like eating your vegetables”. But others experienced more serious drawbacks.

“On Twitter, it took me a little over two years to say something that got me a bunch of racist trolls in my DMs and mentions. On Mastodon, it took 48 hours ... There’s no wonder that we started calling Mastodon the homeowners’ association of social media”.

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tobychev boosted

A reminder that we still need your support. The Russian authorities have designated Meduza as a “foreign agent,” blocked our website, shattered our crowdfunding inside Russia, banished our journalists, and, finally, outlawed us.

Notera att min länk har mycket längre tidsperspektiv än Wikipedia figuren du länkade till, tittar vi hur identiteten rör sig sen 2014 så har pro-skottska andelen gått upp typ 6%

Men med detta vill jag nog inte säga något mer intressant än att det är svårt att säga något säkert om hur folk i stort tycker.

Resultatet i enkätundersökning är dock ganska känsligt för hur en frågar, och medielogiken är ju sådan att frågorna redaktionen betalar för mycket handlar om det dagsaktuella ("om valet var idag"). En kan lätt tänka sig att det som då mäts har mer betoning på flyktiga dagsfrågor än mer trögrörliga åsikter.

Jämför självständighetsfrågan med frågan om den egna identiteten:

tobychev boosted

Hi, I think we need even better ways to help new users.

Thousands are signing up every day, but many leave soon after because of confusion.

My idea is that we get behind a hashtag and make it a kind of decentralised helpdesk for new people. This is already happening and I want to add energy to this.

Which hashtag would be best to unite around?

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tobychev boosted

If it happens, it could be another indication that while the Kremlin prizes elite stability (see the low number of cadre changes since 2/2022), it prefers avoiding even minimal risks. Uss has been regarded as an unpopular governor whose bid for a 2nd term might attract complications.

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Well, they don't really put any effort into determining if he really has any contact (like asking to see call history) but mainly
I'm thinking in of this section, where the authors even feel obliged so say it is just wild speculation (but print it anyway): "Niemeyer said that if [Wagenknecht] formed her own party, she could garner about 10 to 20 percent of the national vote, drawing some AfD support. But if she officially forged an alliance with the AfD, Niemeyer asserted, without citing any specific polling, 'she would probably be given a majority.'"

I don't really get why Niemeyer gets so much space, an ex-husband "whose house was raided in late March as part of a criminal investigation over his alleged involvement in a plot by the ultra-right Reichsbürger movement to overthrow the German government" does not strike me as the most reliable analyst of German politics...

tobychev boosted

@Radical_EgoCom I am once again asking everyone to realize that composting is an option if you have dietary restrictions that prevent you from eating the rich.

One source of that I've seen is the "Enron corpus" spreadsheets harvested from all the emails published after Enron went bankrupt in 2001. That collection of spreadsheets had an error in about 24 % of all reviewed documents.
@samth @simrob @b0rk

tobychev boosted

Vad är det DN skriver egentligen??

"Den svenska avskyn för ryssen har djupa rötter. Ibland kan man undra varför – historiskt har Ryssland trots allt inte förorsakat Sverige så djupt lidande. Lars Linder läser Dick Harrisons nya bok om den väldiga och opålitliga grannen i öster."

Byt ut "ryssen" mot "juden". Funkar bra?

Yeah, visa applications can suck tremendously, and I expect this is in no small part because the entire enterprise of migration control is pretty sucky at its core: coming up with reason to deny foreigners from tainting the motherland...

As an aside, I wonder if the visa services in the EU have deteriorated after Schengen was enacted and made visa applicants more purely into "foreigners" as most neighbours now don't need to trouble with it?

tobychev boosted

Alternative title "people don't know what's good for them" :(

Would be interesting to extend the test with a feed containing corrections to several media outlets to remind subjects that actual errors aren't as rare as the public corrections.

Personally I find public corrections a mark of competence; when a news weekly I subscribed to got a new editor that proudly proclaimed he would publish no trigger warnings (none has been published previously) while also cutting the modes corrections section I stopped subscribing.
@niemanlab @dangillmor

tobychev boosted
tobychev boosted

one aspect of diffusion-based generative models which I find kind of funny / bittersweet is that

i) the optimisation problem is convex in terms of the { score / denoiser / ... }, and is even a least-squares problem in some formulations. this means that it would be extremely well-adapted to the sorts of statistical theory which people loved 10-15 years ago, but

ii) these models have become { popular, feasible, etc. } in the neural network era (and even as a direct result of certain NN architectures?), and the aforementioned favourable convexity properties are largely absent in weight space, and thus don't obviously yield any insights about the recent practical successes.

tobychev boosted

A friend got into trouble because plagiarism software discovered he was reusing stuff he'd written in earlier work, only the software said the source was by a colleague who in reality had stolen the text from my friend.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.