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Yeah, it is amazing how completely erased the coming energy transition is from the American imagination...

tobychev boosted

The next paper examined with simulations how competitive expectation-based updating is relative to a simple, fixed trust strategy with respect to accuracy vis a vis a single source. The surprising answer to that is “not very”: accuracy gains are minimal and come at the cost of order effects. This counterintuitive result makes sense with the benefit of hindsight (see paper)


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tobychev boosted

It was hard to find detailed information, so this is rather sparse: temperature control is by district heating and heat pumps, somehow connected to neighbouring buildings and coordinated by some adaptive "ai-system".

Overall the building is allegedly 20% below the energy use required by law from passive elements only, and supposing the requirements on energy use is purely thermal lossses this probably means the cladding has a therma coefficient around 0.4 Watt m^-2 K^-1.

In any case, they claim the building is slightly climate positive using the mentioned heating system and solar panels in a building at 64 North, so energy losses can't be too bad.

tobychev boosted

Mandela left Ethiopia safely, but had only returned to South Africa incognito for a few months, when he was detained. He would stay behind bars for 27 years.

US diplomat and CIA spy Donald Rickard revealed just prior to his death in 2016, that the CIA had tracked Mandela's movements and passed them on to the Apartheid regime which arrested him. He said they did so because they feared he would facilitate the spread of communist ideology across Africa.

And that is that.

tobychev boosted

"To understand this extraordinary spasm of violence as an act of national self-defense, you’d have to accept that Israel’s only chance for safety depends upon #Gaza being crushed and emptied of virtually all Palestinians."

tobychev boosted

It's not possible to understand the actions of a government, or maybe anything in the human world, via a priori theory. The only way to understand is via facts and constantly tested interpretive models.

E.g. it's a commonplace that "homeless encampment sweeps make no sense." In this context making no sense means contradicting a theory. Maybe "municipalities intend to end homelessness" or "the purpose of government is to meet people's needs". An attractive way to reconcile the contradictions is assuming that governments are dumb or incompetent.

It's necessary to assume that facts make sense. If they keep on doing something that seems senseless it's the theory that has to go, otherwise it's impossible to understand what's really going on. They don't want to end homelessness. They're not in the needs-meeting business, at least not the needs of the unhoused, and they're made up of people and people aren't dumb or incompetent.

What they're really doing is a much more complex and difficult problem. I don't have all the answers and they're not necessarily easy to explain, but attaining a deep instinctual acceptance of the principle that theories never trump facts, that actual facts always make sense, is the first step towards understanding.

tobychev boosted

ℹ️ Update: It has now been 24 hours since the #Gaza Strip fell largely offline, in the ninth major telecoms outage since the start of the war; metrics indicate that the situation is ongoing, leaving most residents cut off from the rest of the world 📉

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tobychev boosted

That makes sense, thanks.

However, I wonder if they really boxed themselves in or if they rather just stalled for time when making these threats: Biden is under lots of republican pressure to bomb stuff, but is really not very interested in foreign policy at all and would rather not.

So the threats are more to excuse not bomb immediately while hoping things resolve themselves. It's not like the state department could _really_ expect that making a few threats would deter a regime that's been bombed for ten years already... maybe if they also offered bribes, but I don't think Biden wants to put in the capital for that.

tobychev boosted

Starship Enterprise implies the existence of Starship Free, Starship Personal, Starship Cloud (Most Popular), Starship Cloud Pro, Starship Cloud Pro PLUS, and Starship On Premises (Contact for pricing).


Huddisarna, du vet, sådana som bor kring Hudisksvall ;)

So, am I reading you correctly if I say that you, Stocker-Kelly, understand "saving face" to only refer to actions without (serious) consequences? (and made as a reaction to some external challenge made in public)

I think we need to be careful to stick to the Amazonas and not the larger Americas or the discussion about expectations doesn't make much sense.

I agree that the possibility of large civilizations was not unfairly dismissed by archeologists: the initial conquest saw a lot of people search for El Dorado, the mythical city and empire in the internal lands of South America, and people looked for a very long time.

Admittedly, racist ideas about the unchanging nature of the people they found in the Americas will have helped establish and entrench this idea that there were no advanced civilisations in that Amazon into the consciousness of what became modern Archaeology.

But once people have explored a region for maybe 300 years without finding any cities in the jungle, thinking "maybe this region never had any" seems pretty reasonable. Especially when many of the ruined jungle cities of the Mayas were known basically from the start of colonisation.


But how is "preserving credibility" different from "saving face"? Or do you mean that the verbal red lines they put down are not what is backing them into a corner, violence against Hoithis-wise?

(sorry for the sloppy opening, but it's a good question: do you feel free to give your full opinion to the BBC?After all this is part of the Gaza war(

Intressant att anfallet verkar ha varit relativt omfattande, som nämnts har Biden annars varit väldigt blygsam i de vedergällningar han beordrat.

Den andra intressanta delen av texten är hur Houtis inträde i Gazakriget (hur de själva beskriver sitt agerande) beskrivs som ett försök att "utnyttja" konflikten. Vi får se om det blir terminologin den säkerhetspolitiska "klumpen" i Washington samlar sig kring detta, eller om någon annan term dyker upp för att avfärda Houthis ställningstagande som seriösa nog att faktiskt beakta.

Såvitt jag kan hitta syftar "exploit" på att Houthis har en stark hemmaopinion som krävt attacker mot Israel, och att böja sig för den kanske kan beskrivas som ett utnyttjande av konflikten om de samtidigt ignorerar andra krav. Personligen har jag svårt att tro att motivationen till att inträda i ett krig mot USA verkligen kan sammanfattas med "exploited".

Jag tror den här källan mest kan användas för att förstå hur de säkerhetspolitiska tyckarna i USA tänker, men inte utvecklingen i regionen.


Purely to save face, or as some sort of long time solution?

tobychev boosted

Kenya's UBI trial data is in.
people dont stop working when they have a UBI.
lump sum UBI had the greatest economic benefit, creating a lot more entrepreneurs.

we have conclusively verified humans can be trusted to make excellent financial decisions.

now it is time to fix economic policies to connect people with money directly, not manage it for them out of mistrust.

Does the behaviour change any if you plot married women per 100k women?

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