to SitRep

—based on the review of open sources

As of today, the Russian Army is reported to be conducting counteroffensive operations along the Svatovo-Kremennaya line of the front.

This came as a surprise to the Ukrainian forces, which were forced out of Novoselovskoye. The Russian forces are also conducting attacks in the direction of Makeevka, Torskoye, Yampolovka, and a number of other settlements that were lost after the Russian withdrawal from Krasny Liman.

Near , forces and Wagner PMC units have re-entered Opytnoye and are conducting artillery preparation in the area south of Artyomovsk, intending to move toward encircling the city. Ukrainian forces suffered losses of 500 just in WIA over the past two days here.

Near , Ukrainian counterattacks near Pavlovka, Shevchenko, and Novomikhailovka were repelled, with the Ukrainian forces suffering significant losses.

In , the Russian army is fighting well in the centre of the settlement, and the Russian soldiers are assisting in the evacuation of the civilian population. The Russian army is conducting artillery strikes at the rear of the Maryinka grouping, as far west as Kurakhovo, attacking the Ukrainian reinforcements and preventing their advance.

@marathon0 it’s bizarre to me to invent these baseless claims to promote Russian genocide by the criminals in the kremlin

Oh for gawds sake what have you got against the Russians? You really have no clue what’s going on do you?
As for your response, what exactly are these baseless claims in terms of the article? Be specific!


@marathon0 I object to russia s use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and filtration camps where they exterminate civilians - what’s your favorite thing about genocidal Russia - please tell me

· · Tootle for Mastodon · 1 · 1 · 2


They are executing civilians in camps? Jesus christ I didnt know all that.... Regardless I knew russia was pretty evil


@freemo @marathon0 well they call it filtration camp not concentration camp but it’s quite obvious what s going on there - and it’s simply disgusting to not only defend it but to promote it


Regardless of what they call it, do they outright murder people in these camps as you suggest or what?


@freemo @marathon0 it’s horrid , and yes they murder civilians there, separate children from their parents, and forcibly deport people from their homes… not to mention the missile terrorism campaign promoted by these state run media openly and gleefully describing targeting civilians with weapons of war for the purpose of genocide


If you have any sources, please share, I'd like to read more on this, thanks.


@freemo @marathon0 "One rocket fell on this territory, other rockets also fell on the territory of the city of Dnipro, on civilian objects that do not belong to the military or to critical infrastructure. These were civilian objects that are engaged in their civilian affairs and business," said the Deputy Oleh Kushniruk, head of the Department of State Emergency Services of Ukraine in the Dnipropetrovsk region for responding to emergency situations - from just this morning


I was more curious about the extermination camps... the bombing of civilians is horrific on its own but I have a good idea about that already.


@freemo @marathon0 New York Times in general had some of the best exposes on this topic , I ran out of free articles with the link I posted though 😅


I am generally distrusting of for-profit media but in the case of ukrain I have not seen any big issues with NYT so they seem like a good source on this.


@tonic this war in particular really helps to uncover those that openly and gleefully promote the genocide of people also in my country here in France …. The good news is there will inescapably be consequences for that . By the way , check these folks out if you like cyber stuff - they are what happens when the honorable fight back against these criminals :

@tonic Horrible if true. Even if not, war is horrible in its own.

From what i gathered, it seemed like there were possibilities for peace talks, which were boycotted.
For this i also have no proof, as wartime news are extremely unreliable.
But if it is, i blame those boycotting the peace talks as well for anything that happens as a result.

@admitsWrongIfProven how can ukraine which is a peaceful country boycott peace talks when it’s being invaded with the overt goal of genocide by criminals in the kremlin and their army using rape as a weapon of war? There’s a striking lack of basic human decency when you blame Ukrainian (the target of the invasion) in order to justify their genocide and that’s not a good look

@tonic Wait, you're mixing things together. Some time ago, there was media attention on possible peace talks. Then, there was nothing to be heard.
This has nothing to do with what exactly is currently happening about concentration camps.

And boycotting works by not going to the place that was meant to host the peace talks.

And i do not blame "Ukranian", i blame whoever was not interested in having peace talks when it was possible. I do not know who exactly that is, and it could have been the russian side too. Although that is unlikely, because that is something i would expect to be reported.

So now, the war is still going on, people still get killed, and i suspect leaders of western countries have not done what they could to stop it.

@admitsWrongIfProven if you’re using this basis to condone Ukrainian genocide by Russian troops it would be wise to keep abreast these events because saying “I do not blame” does not necessarily make it so . Especially if you want to be taken seriously

@tonic Good thing you put that "if" there, because i am not.
If you see anything that could be interpreted that way in my toots, please share what it is. If not, i am wondering why you hint in that direction.

@tonic Maybe i should set a baseline here:
- The russian people have been treated horribly, starved, robbed, murdered by their own leaders
- The russian leaders have a history of horrible things. They steal from their country, commit homicides, invade other countries
- The west has a history of agression too
- The west has aided in the robbery mentioned in the first two points

What is on my mind is that the common people suffer, while leaders point fingers. The russian leadership has committed warcrimes, which i condemn.
What is adding insult to injury is people acting like the western side is doing the best they can and are totally blameless.

@admitsWrongIfProven this is an unconvincing way to condone genocide (and it’s frankly disgusting to do so) because you’re using false pretenses as a basis to justify genocide

@tonic @admitsWrongIfProven and of course the bizarre victim blaming is not great …

@tonic You lost me here. It seems your answer does not actually fit what i have written.
If you intended to make a point, i am sorry, but i am not able to understand it.

@admitsWrongIfProven to clear it up : you’re condoning Ukrainian genocide by repeating bad faith arguments and it’s appalling to me

@tonic Can you specify what exactly is bad faith? Can you specify how i "condone genocide", although i clearly stated that i do not?

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You don’t honestly believe this!? They’re doing nothing of the sort!



I dont beleive anything until I see the evidence. What I do know is I’ve saved the lives of people who had their homes bombed by the Russians, civial homes with no military targets in sight.

One thing that is extremely clear is that the Russians are not behaving ethically, that said I cant speak to the extermination camps until ive had a chance to review the evidence.


@freemo @marathon0 @tonic
The only thing I know for sure personally is that I have a close friend who left Russia because of the draft and doesn't plan on returning with his wife- in fear of execution. He's been working remotely for years and the other week I asked him how he was holding up. He said he was job hunting as well.

> Oh, I'm sorry. Did you lose your job?
< No, I just lost my country.

Despite everything, was not expecting that. Guess I was ignorant or something.

Other than that, I don't personally know anyone directly involved.

@lucifargundam @freemo @marathon0 well, your friend has more grace than most - it’s a shame to have folks like him talked over by randoms on the internet trying to convince us all is well in that fascist police state

@tonic @freemo @marathon0 from New York Times … it’s hard not to become a full time activist against Russia’s genocidal criminals in the army and in the kremlin , but you and I can do quite a lot by contributing directly to the functioning of the Ukrainian state here : ✊🏻


I prefer tto take direct action. I have helped pay for a few ukranians to flee. That said I do enourage others to contribute however they can.


@freemo @marathon0 that’s amazing 🫡 I’m honored by your help for these folks - you know what they’ve (often) said to me? That feeling someone on the other end that simply doesn’t turn away or simply does reach out to them really goes a long way to support them 💪🏻💪🏻


Thanks, agreed. I think helping first hand, interacting, talking, caring about someone, goes a lot farther than just donating. Not to dispparage donating, if your donating your doing good and should be proud. Just saying people need more than just tthe money, they need someone who cares, personally.


@freemo @marathon0
Even if nobody were outright killed in the filtration camps they are directly in service of russia's russification attempts of ukraine, which is ethnic cleansing (E.g by taking their children away to be raised as russians at russia) for all intents and purposes. This just on top everything else russia is doing of course.

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