Toots in my lists seem to be missing (msg:There is nothing in this list yet. When members of this list post new toots, they will appear here).
I checked, and some list members had tooted today. I haven't been on-site recently, so I may have missed something.
Can someone direct me to the info I need to reactivate the lists.
Thank you in advance.
@agterrane Mm, when did you create thoses lists?
@trinsec December. But I was here on April 1 and they were working then...
Ideas? Thanks
@agterrane Weird. Could you give me a few domains from those accounts you try to follow via the list? Can you see them when you follow them normally without a list?
@agterrane Wait, what? The home timeline takes 10-15 minutes to load?! 👀 It should be pretty much instant! What browser do you use?
@trinsec @freemo Today it loaded just fine. Like it did when I used it every day. Thanks for helping me. I really appreciate your attention.