I am:
* #Andalusian
* #atheist
* #biker
* #blogger
* #cerebral
* #classicliberal
* #contrarian
* #curious
* #eclectic
* #effectivealtruist
* #engineer
* #essayist
* #European
* #father
* #geek
* #globalist
* #humanist
* #indecisive
* #individualist
* #introvert
* #Japanophile
* #Madrilenian
* #male
* #married
* #marathoner
* #musician
* #nerd
* #nudist
* #obsessive
* #painter
* #pianist
* #polyglot
* #oboist
* #procapitalism
* #procrypto
* #proFLOSS
* #programmer
* #rationalist
* #reader
* #runner
* #sceptic
* #scientist
* #shortsighted
* #shy
* #Spaniard
* #straight
* #strict
* #taken
* #traveller
* #urbanite
* #vegetarian
* #white
* #writer
* #41
Good point.
Well, I have listed immutable traits (_white_) as well as hobbies (_biker_) and transient or contingent statuses (_vegetarian_).
I am a _contrarian_ much in the same vein that I'm _white_, an _introvert_, or a _Japanophile_: it's not something I strive for, or even do consciously; and I may well cease to be a contrarian like I may no longer be a Japanophile in the future. It's just the way I think I am — today.
But I get your point about [keeping our identities small](http://www.paulgraham.com/identity.html) 👍