@josh @driscoll The thesis is OA. I haven't turned it into anything more than a few talks. https://summit.sfu.ca/item/12185
@klaegermann Das scheint a priori das wahrscheinlichste. Was natürlich einen erheblichen mehraufwand für alle beteiligten bedeuten würde.
Es könnte natürlich auch sein, dass man diesen vorgang zum anlass nimmt, das förderinstrument generell zu überdenken.
Un poste de premier assistant (ça veut dire assistant-docteur), dans le domaine des études cinématographiques et audiovisuelles
Un temps partiel (50%) en Pratiques et politiques des médiations culturelles
Un autre mi temps (50%) en Théories et pratiques du monde du livre contemporain et de la fonction éditoriale
#7 in my 2022 retrospective of #music I Released this Year...
"You and I": one of the poppier numbers I've done in recent years: synths, jangly guitars, harmonies, all the usual ingredients. I keep trying to recreate the feeling of classic 80s synth-pop and this is one of my more successful attempts.
Produced using #FOSS software (especially #ardour)
Free to stream and download on #SoundCloud
Greetings. Once upon a time long ago, I was sitting alone in the UCLA ARPANET site #1 computer room late one night when the high Santa Ana winds outside started disrupting power. Hit after hit, very dangerous for the minicomputers, disk drives, and other equipment in that room, since we didn't have uninterruptible power supplies back then.
I made some calls and it was decided I should shut everything in the room down. Everything. I phoned the ARPANET NOC (Network Operations Center) at BBN and explained the situation, since I was about to shut down IMP #1 (essentially, a refrigerator-sized router) on ARPANET which sat in a corner of the room, and doing this could cause disruptions if done in an unplanned manner. The IMP was *always* running -- I had never seen it powered down.
I worked my way around the room, powering down terminals and disks, and printers, and the power supplies on the 11/45 (ARPANET Host #1 - UCLA-ATS) and the 11/70 (Host #129 [1+128 on IMP #1] - UCLA-SECURITY. Back then my email addresses were LAUREN@UCLA-ATS and LAUREN@UCLA-SECURITY -- no domains yet.
The usual roar of the machines gradually got quieter and quieter, until only the IMP was left. I pulled down the power switch. Now there was dead quiet except the hum of the lights, a situation I'd never experienced in that room before. Very odd feeling.
Suddenly I heard a click -- the IMP was powering back up by itself. Damn. I pulled down the switch again. Quiet for a time, then click and it came back up yet again. Before I started thinking about screwing around with its power cables or turning off breakers that could have unexpected effects, I called the NOC again to ask them if they had any ideas.
"Oh yeah. We should have told you! There's a little switch that controls auto-restart. Surprise!"
So I found and flipped that little toggle switch, powered down the IMP again, and this time it stayed down. I had turned off the ARPANET -- at least at UCLA. -L
For those of you who are as eager to read more about the #Receptiogate affair as I am, here is today’s news instalment, a 5th post by the duped blogger, addressing the issue of plagiarism. As entertaining as this is in all its absurdity, at the heart it is a truly sad and disturbing situation, of course. To be continued, no doubt.
@stefan_hessbrueggen @Tinido Und im Moment sieht das wirklich absolut gar nicht gut aus: vermutlich der Gatte dreht frei, hat sich einen Twitter-Account zugelegt und pöbelt und bedroht nicht nur Peter Kidd, sondern recht wahllos alles und jede. Offenbar haben sie Anzeige bei der Kantonspolizei erstattet (jedenfalls entsprechende Fotos gepostet) und eine angebliche Adresse gefunden (von jemand anderem gleichen Namens, was das ganze aber nicht ungefährlicher macht)
With #ChatGPT still making news, we decided to highlight some of the pieces from our vault on language models.
Check out “Digital Humanities and Natural Language Processing: Je t’aime... Moi non plus” by Barbara McGillivray, Thierry Poibeau & Pablo Ruiz Fabo which focuses on more collaboration between #DH datasets and #NLP tools:
See Diego Jiménez–Badillo et al.’s work titled “Developing Geographically Oriented NLP Approaches to Sixteenth–Century Historical Documents: Digging into Early Colonial Mexico” exploring how #NLP and other #computational approaches can be applied to understand large #historical #corpuses:
@karlsteel For me, as taxpayer and grant holder, I’m waiting for the results of the SNSF's investigation. IANAL, but if Rossi didn’t declare the conflict of interests (being both author and publisher), they will likely consider this as fraud, and file a complaint. A judicial inquiry would then probably also look at the various shell corporations, and I don’t know what this may reveal.
#RECEPTIOgate update: statement from the University of Zurich (in German)
@golmac This https://www.kath.ch/newsd/receptiogate-der-heilige-stephanus-koennte-einer-zuercher-professorin-zum-verhaengnis-werden/ is a good overview that also touches on some of the structural issues—in German, but machine translation does a good job.
@Marphurius #Rossi seems to say that the stock photos on the #Receptio pages are due to a technical problem. That doesn't seem credible to me. Among other things, #Kidd posted a link showing pages that have recently been deleted from reception.eu: https://web.archive.org/web/diff/20221130193323/20221225114026/https://www.receptio.eu/operationalstaff There I find an image of myself, clearly a photomontage that I never knew anything about.
Very good summary (in German) of #Receptiogate, including some new statements and thoughtful commentary in the context of Swiss academia and funding practices:
Peter Kidd has published Part IV: The RECEPTIO-Rossi Affair IV: My “Accusations”
If you took time off for holiday celebrations you may have missed the juicy #AcademicScandal that is being unravelled by Peter Kidd et Al in social media. Deals with #Medieval #Manuscript but that's only the surface.
Reading list:
1. https://mssprovenance.blogspot.com/2022/12/nobody-cares-about-your-blog.html?m=1
2. https://mssprovenance.blogspot.com/2022/12/the-receptio-rossi-affair-part-i-staff.html?m=1
3. https://mssprovenance.blogspot.com/2022/12/the-receptio-rossi-affair-part-ii.html?m=1
4. https://mssprovenance.blogspot.com/2022/12/the-receptio-rossi-affair-iii-my.html?m=1
#6 in the year-end musical retrospective is another tune with my transatlantic band, The Calm Rads: "Only One (Song for Heather)".
One of our more upbeat, rocking numbers, sort of in the direction of 70s rock.
Free to stream and download on SoundCloud.
Some recording and final mixing done in #ardour.
#5 in the year-end musical retrospective: "A Spring Romance".
I'm really pleased with how this one turned out, and I think it does have something happy and spring-like to it.
Free to stream and download on SoundCloud.
Made with #ardour.
Associate professor of digital humanities, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Professeur associé en humanités numériques, Université de Lausanne, Suisse