I find it interesting how the mission of RECEPTIO has evolved over just the past two years.
In June 2020 the website (receptio.org) looked like this:
It promised research "in all fields of Medieval and Renaissance European civilisation," with an emphasis on philology. No specific mention of codicology, fragmentology, or DH.
Today this openness can still be seen on the current website (receptio.eu), e.g. under "other ongoing projects" and "events" (Dante / Caravaggio / Philology of fashion etc.). But the "main project" and most of the activities and offerings are now focused on codicology and especially fragmentology. Rossi is said to have devised her own (copyrighted!) method, some 50 digital editions of dismembered manuscripts are in progress, and "RECEPTIO hires scientific staff that carries out research in the field of Fragmentology." A rather sudden and, as it turns out, ill-advised reorientation of what may have started out as a valuable initiative.
#8 in my end-of-year review of #music that I released: "Our Youthful Shadows".
Somewhere between electric folk and synth-pop. I guess.
Still very fond of the vibe. And that flute.
Produced using #FOSS software (especially #ardour)
Free to stream and download on #SoundCloud
The Future of Text ||| with a focus on text in VR/AR is now available. The digital version is free. Have you got your copy yet?
Another fantastic #CSS resource, https://smolcss.dev/ Lots of really clever stuff in there, and SMOL!
Raphael Rauch macht bei #RECEPTIOgate die arbeit von Tagi und NZZ – und erst noch besser.
"Der Kampf um die grossen Gelder führt zur sogenannten «Antragsprosa», in der ganz habituell übertrieben wird und Erkenntnisse versprochen werden, die nimmer eingehalten werden können. Antragsprosa ist nicht selten an Lüge grenzende Übertreibung – das hat System, sonst hat man von vorneherein keine Chance. Der SNF begünstigt ein System von «Fake it till you make it»." #receptiogate https://www.kath.ch/newsd/carla-rossis-fake-institut-wirbt-mit-alibi-bibliothek-und-drogenanwalt/
Today #receptiogate episode: details from Peter Kidd
Also very timely re: #RECEPTIOgate.
Adam Mastroianni: The dance of the naked emperors. A followup to "The rise and fall of peer review.” https://experimentalhistory.substack.com/p/the-dance-of-the-naked-emperors
The dance of the naked emperors: a followup to "The rise and fall of peer review”
@pol_eco_pub @egonw@scholar.social Yeah, I had to re-read the conclusion several times until I understood that she considers the desirable development—undesirable…
Gavin Freeborn has a 16 minute video showing his code for working with #chatgpt from #emacs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgVfurJUdFo
RT @mssprovenance@twitter.com
This thread is a fantastic summary, and I'm glad that it credits so many people who have been really instrumental in uncovering what has been going on. If you're new to #RECEPTIOGate, or think you may have missed something, read this! https://twitter.com/paularcurtis/status/1608146988511690753
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/mssprovenance/status/1608178414262820865
@pol_eco_pub @egonw@scholar.social Do you mean you disagree with this part of the conclusion: “It seems more likely that the version of record will be the locus of future innovations as the fixed nature of a version of record has proven utility,” or something else?
The definitive paper on "Version of Record" (though I disagree on the conclusions) https://content.iospress.com/articles/information-services-and-use/isu220164 @egonw
@gimsieke Affirmative.
Timely (not only, but also in the context of #RECEPTIOgate).
RT @hist_myth@twitter.com
Un scandale qui allie l'incongru à l'hilarant agite le Twitter de la recherche médiévale : une sombre histoire de plagiat d'un institut qui peut-être... n'existe pas ?
C'est le #ReceptioGate et ça devient assez mythique pour que je vous en parle :D
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/hist_myth/status/1607788098523652097
Health minister extends PCR test mandate to all passengers incoming from China in all airports.
One flight from China to Milan had 52% COVID test positivity, another 38%.
Sequencing for variants is ongoing
@klaegermann Wenn das instrument abgeschafft würde, wäre das natürlich ein herber schlag. Andererseits können direktzahlungen an verlage, die tatsächlich kaum einen mehrwert beitragen, dafür aber gigantische gewinnmargen haben, auch nicht der weisheit letzter schluss sein.
M. e. wäre das geld besser in den aufbau nicht gewinnorientierter universitätsverlage investiert.
Associate professor of digital humanities, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Professeur associé en humanités numériques, Université de Lausanne, Suisse