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Org mode allows you to have inline images, and you can return them as the results of Org Babel blocks. I wanted to test different #EmacsConf scheduling strategies quickly. I used Emacs's XML and SVG support to create the SVGs based on the scheduling data I gave it. Splitting my window made it easy to change the schedule, use `C-c C-c` to execute the block, and see the schedule image (including any validation notes) in the other window. The code is in .

Delighted to release the third edition of Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation (PLAI). A complete rewrite based on many years of research and experience. Because that research is still ramping up, this is just the start of many changes.

ICYMI: Monday's post on A Mind Forever Voyaging returns to the subject of time---this time as an element of modular narrative design, plus a bit about the existential implications of Perry's self-awareness. Much more on that in a few days!

"The loneliness of PRISM is ultimately his/its most heroic quality, since, like the mortal dread of the heroes of fantasy, it must go felt and unfelt at the same time."

Oh my God.

I’ve just realised what ChatGPT reminds me of. It’s from Douglas Adams’ novel Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency, published 35 years ago.

Hmm. After writing a three-page review, I guess I may have to reconsider my “minor revisions” recommendation.

Das Parlament unterstützt die Forschung und Innovation nächstes Jahr mit zusätzlichen 85 Mio. Franken: Es gibt wegen des Teilausschlusses von #HorizonEurope einen Teil der dafür reservierten Gelder frei.

Foto: © Parlamentsdienste 3003 Bern

Targeted on LinkedIn. I’m guessing this is new fancy #Fortran not the ‘77 variety…

Babbage Patch Finds--a daily deep dive into the CBI Archives.

PLATO , 1982 [Interfaces]

Have a 2K to 3.5K essay on computing/software studies in mind? Please consider submitting it to CBI's e-journal Interfaces: Essays & Reviews in Computing & Culture

We esp. like this photo of kids using PLATO on Apple II. We use it as our image for CBI's journal Interfaces

#computer #hci @histodons #games #history #PLATO #education #sociology #pc #videogames #compsci #sts @sigchi

Interdisziplinär, kollaborativ und innovativ: Mit dem #Sinergia-Programm unterstützt der SNF 19 Projekte mit einem Gesamtbetrag von 49,3 Millionen Franken. Alle Projekte versprechen bahnbrechende Erkenntnisse. #Forschung #Interdisziplinär

If you want to shut down AI art, tell it to draw Disney characters in Disney styles.

Might not work, but Disney lawyers vs. Silicon Valley lawyers is a fight where someone you despise loses either way.

Der nun auch auf Mastodon vertretene @gerhard_lauer macht klar, was der Wissenschaft bevorsteht, wenn nicht drastische Gegenmassnahmen, gegen das Tracking der Ex-Verlage ergriffen werden:

"So wissen die Verlage mehr als die Universitätsleitungen und Wissenschaftsförderer, was die Trends der Forschung sind und wer an welchem Thema arbeitet."


Turns out I either have to leave qoto (which I really like) and switch to a server which is more rigorous in blocking others (WTF) to keep in touch with friends. Or I just leave the fediverse at all and leave it to those feeling morally superior (WTF)
In other words: Good morning!

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.