@brendannyhan Given that easy to build DADUs sell for around $750k here in Seattle, housing affordability solutions are a lot more complicated than "build more housing".
@John @jeffjarvis You might consider looking at the methodology. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/mar/08/us-air-pollution-people-of-color-census-districts#methodology
@willknight Quit reading when I saw this. Seriously? His source was a Substack article that submitted an IQ test that consists of just the things a LLM is good at - text pattern matching. https://davidrozado.substack.com/p/what-is-the-iq-of-chatgpt
@philipncohen Soon you'll be able to use generative AI to create any kind of family you want. Very concerned about the future of this family.
Department of "Do Not Buy Ring Surveillance Devices" https://www.politico.com/news/2023/03/07/privacy-loophole-ring-doorbell-00084979
Elon Musk
@ct_bergstrom I long for the days when many of the SV CEOs I worked for were just narcissistic bullies instead of today's raging sociopaths.
Sometimes it was mildly amusing - one dude (TJ Rodgers) use to do 100 push ups in the front lobby at lunch time.
@glennf The Times is still pushing that "[former] intellectual leader of the GOP" BS? I know that's a low bar, but the guy is the embodiment of a corporate flack who uninformed people think is smart.
@Riedl More bland replies but automated! Just what Slack needs.
This entire thing -- the violation of health privacy, the statements of discrimination against a disabled employee... https://gizmodo.com/elon-musk-laughs-twitter-haraldur-thorleifsson-layoff-1850196254
@ct_bergstrom Its ruined ducks for me.
@ct_bergstrom A lot more hair, though.
Interesting article on a possible theory for effective LLM prompt generation (h/t Andrej Karpathy) https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/D7PumeYTDPfBTp3i7/the-waluigi-effect-mega-post
@stephaniemlee Advertisers just loving new Twitter.
@timbray Wonder if it's related to the Twitter meltdown today.
@paul And the iOS app as well. Peak Elon genius management at work here.
@ct_bergstrom Lots of projects like this popping up now that might work better than Bing, but put more demands on users (downloading papers).
Plan to try it out myself over the next few days but our furnace is malfunctioning so I have other priorities...
Ocean treaty: Historic agreement reached after decade of talks - BBC News https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-64815782
Unprofessional data wrangler and Mastodon’s official fact checker. Older and crankier than you are.