@barefootstache @freemo browser
@freemo @barefootstache that’s what i use right now
There are also plugins that let you modify the CSS of pages.. you could use one to modify the CSS to increase the font selectively too. We could add a custom high-visibility theme too but that would take time.
@freemo @barefootstache when click on a toot and it’s highlighted it’s fine to read but when it’s on the timeline it’s a bit too small but i can live with it and using zoom helps as well.
Will check it out later how quickly/easily it is to implement larger font. What browser are you using?
@barefootstache @freemo brave
@barefootstache thank you!
@voidabyss Install this extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stylus/clngdbkpkpeebahjckkjfobafhncgmne/related
Steps after installation:
If anything is unclear, just reach out.
@voidabyss the code:
@-moz-document domain("qoto.org") { /* Article Font Size */ div.item-list article div div.status__wrapper.status__wrapper-public.focusable div.status.status-public div.status__content.status__content--with-action.rich-text div.status__content__text.status__content__text--visible p { font-size: 16px; /*<-- change this number to your liking*/ line-height: 1; } /* Original Author Font Size */ div.item-list article div div.status__wrapper.status__wrapper-public.focusable div.status.status-public div.status__info a.status__display-name span.display-name span.display-name__account, div.item-list article div div.status__wrapper.status__wrapper-public.focusable div.status.status-public div.status__info a.status__display-name span.display-name { font-size: 20px; /*<-- change this number to your liking*/ line-height: 1; } /* Boosted Font Size */ div.item-list article div div.status__wrapper.status__wrapper-public.focusable div.status__prepend span { font-size: 20px; /*<-- change this number to your liking*/ line-height: 1; }}
@voidabyss @freemo browser or phone?