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>Are you suggesting that all people who get tattoos have some underlying emotional distress or suffering, and therefore is self harm?

No, many do that for those reasons, some people just copy what others do.(Herd mentality)
What determine self-harm is the net negative outcome on the individual and society unless it’s self-sacrifice.

The rule here is if it bad for the individual, it’s bad for society unless self-sacrifice.

Self-sacrifice might be perceived as bad for the individual but it’s a net positive for society.

Void Abyss boosted
Void Abyss boosted

>Are you suggesting that all people who get tattoos have some underlying emotional distress or suffering, and therefore is self harm?

No, many do that for those reasons, some people just copy what others do.(Herd mentality)
What determine self-harm is the net negative outcome on the individual **and** society unless it's self-sacrifice.

The rule here is if it bad for the individual, it's bad for society unless self-sacrifice.

Self-sacrifice might be perceived as bad for the individual but it's a net positive for society.

> A tattoo or scarification is an example I would think you would agree with. I would hope you agree that these are not (usually) due to mental illness, they also dont benefit others, and do in fact cause harm to ones self. So how do we handle that in your model? Its clearly self-harm, but in your model its an exception somehow? why?

As I mentioned before, it's not only mental illness, It might be an emotional distress, underlying suffering or a coping mechanism, etc. The result is a net negative for the individual and society.

> I hope we agree not all self harm is due to underlying suffering or mental illness.

The is a category of self-harm that might not be due to underlying suffering or mental illness, which is Self-sacrifice, it involves enduring hardship and putting the needs and welfare of others before one's own, like voluntary soldiers, doctors, ems, nurses, etc. Self-sacrifice is often motivated by compassion, love, and a sense of duty towards others.

> But as per the above, I hope we agree not all self harm is due to underlying suffering or mental illness.

I don't agree with that assessment, nor the examples your mentioned as "self-harm".

Here are some examples of self-harm and people engaging in those should seek help.

- Self-harm: This refers to intentionally causing harm to oneself, such as cutting, burning, or hitting oneself.
- Eating disorders: Conditions like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder are considered self-deviant behaviors as they involve unhealthy relationships with food and body image.
- Substance abuse: Engaging in excessive and harmful use of drugs or alcohol can be considered a form of self-deviance.
- Compulsive gambling: When someone develops an uncontrollable urge to gamble, even to the point of causing financial and personal problems, it is considered a self-deviant behavior.
- Addictive behaviors: This includes any behavior that becomes compulsive and interferes with daily life, such as excessive internet use, gaming addiction, or shopping addiction.

Someone engaging in self-harm is an indication of underlying emotional distress or mental health issue.
Morality stems from your belief system and your ability to feel compassion. If you don't feel any compassion toward someone engaging in self-harm nor your belief system don't condone it, that might be an indication of a psychopathic tendencies.

@freemo Wow, for me, it's self-evident that self-harm is morally wrong, I just mention if we can't agree that simple principle, then we agree to disagree.

> Why would something automatically be morally wrong simply because it results in a earlier death for you, thats your choice, its your life. It may be a bad decision, but that doesnt make it an immoral one.

If you assume that self-harm isn't morally wrong then we agree to disagree.

@freemo Smoking lead to cancer which lead to early death making smoking morally wrong.
Porn lead to sex addiction which lead to diminishing productivity and unhappy relationships making it the cancer of society.

Void Abyss boosted

L'activation à distance des appareils électroniques a été validée par le Sénat. Désormais arrivée à l'Assemblée, elle a été discutée en commission des lois. Les députés ont protégé certaines professions tout en validant, de fait, ce système de surveillance de masse pour les autres. Les débats en séance commencent le 3 juillet.

@Lapineige @dot
C'est une idee excellent, je suis tres interesse d'apprendre comment packager des aplis pour yunohost.

Void Abyss boosted
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