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While it’s nice to see the NY Times finally admit masks are worthless, it’s false to say the mandates “did nothing.” They harmed kids, eroded public trust, and psychologically damaged millions of people to the point where they’re still afraid to breathe in public.
The best line in the piece: "'Do something' is not science, and it shouldn't have been public policy."

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As someone living in socialized healthcare, and who has lived with socialized healthcare in about a dozen countries, just a reminder:

**Socialized Healthcare is a broken and backwards system**

inb4: No I am not promoting the american healthcare system. It may fix or address the parts that are broken in socialized healthcare, but it has its own problems... There are solutions (though no one talks about it) that doesnt resemble either of these failed systems.

Problems I have repeatidly faced both here and in other socialized health care countries:

* Abusive wait times leading to unnecessary suffering and in my case surgery that wouldnt have been needed if I had prompter care.

* Lack of access to many prescriptions - (I have had at least a dozen medicines I couldnt get because the cost would be too much of a burden to a socialized system).

* Monopolies making unfair and abusive rules to line their pockets at the expense of patients (A good example of this is melatonin being a prescription in Israel due to a pharmecutical monopoly).

* Lack of privacy / anonymity - Since everything is registered through centralized systems (usually) there is no way for you to hide or keep private your medical records. In the USA I would pay cash for prescriptions I dont want on record, not really an option in socialized systems.

Hello, @martin

First, the podcast app Podfriend looks awesome and I love all the features of podcast 2.0 chapters, transcript etc.
One issue, I can't find how to disable auto play?

Thank you for your help and for developing this great app!

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December 2022

There's no turning back
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Outside BBC Headquarters. Feb, 2023
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he is right, BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard
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It's only terrorism if it is broadcasted on the news channel otherwise don't even mention it
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Void Abyss boosted

Une annonce à vous faire !

Je lance "" ma newsletter pour raconter le parcours de celles et ceux qui luttent pour faire leur place.
Des mois que je réfléchis à prolonger mon travail avec #ParcoursDeCombattants, mon émission sur
France Inter. C'est chose faite avec ce projet qui me tient très à coeur. "Combattant.e.s" sera un mélange d'espérance et de colère, de rage et de résistance. Comme le monde qui nous entoure !

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PSM (Propaganda Stream Media) says they can't report on it because it comes from an anonymous source. How ridiculous, when has that ever stopped them before?

#war #russia #ukraine #NordStream

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Hey Guys! It's time to propagate the message of No Agenda Show #1529 with @adam and @Johncdvorak and claim your credits on your professional network.

Here's a handy, ready to go post on LinkedIn, so you can link to the proper episode:

Make sure to like and share the post to BOOST the signal and make the post popup on others timeline. Mention people in the comments if you want their direct attention. LE BOOST!

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If you have only been reading the mainstream media, you would not have heard about what just happened in Stockholm this weekend.

There was a massive conference in Sweden with top doctors from around the world giving lectures on the dangers and failures of the mRNA vaccines.

Doctors including Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Jessica Rose, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Richard Urso and many more held fantastic speeches exposing the truth about the vaccines.

And the conference hall was completely packed with about 1000 people in attendance. It was a massive conference.

#DiedSuddenly #VaccineInjury #VaccineDeath #MillionsDied #MillionsWillDie #StopTheShots #GeneTherapy #ExcessMortality #PopulationReduction #VaxCollapse #VaxRegret

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We made it!

With our official launch, developers and designers have never been closer!

What do you think of the latest features? Have you tried them yet?

Let us know!


#opensource #design #developers #prototype

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A new organ donor bill is ethically questionable

If a proposed new law is passed, after you die your organs can be removed from your body for medical purposes unless you expressly say beforehand that you do not want this to happen. Consent is otherwise assumed. As usual, the law is going through the various parliamentary stages without proper debate, even though the proposal is ethically questionable. An Organ Donor Register, instead, should be established.

The proposed law is called the ‘Human Tissue 2022 Bill’. It covers issues such as the donation and transplantation of organs from deceased persons.

At present, an opt-in system exists. This means that only those who have expressly declared their intention to donate organs after they die will have them removed from their bodies, and even then only with the final approval of the family.

The new regime will mean consent is assumed, although final authorisation from a designated family member will still be needed.

The proposed regime is motivated by the good intention of addressing the problem of a shortage of organs for transplant in Ireland, but it is still ethically questionable as donation should arise only from an informed and deliberate decision on a person’s part.

Presumed consent is based instead on the assumption that we are all aware that our organs are available for transplantation upon death and we are happy with that. But what is this assumption really based on?

The HSE’s own consent policy says: “Consent involves a process of communication about the proposed intervention in which the person has received sufficient information to enable them to understand the nature, potential risks and benefits of the proposed intervention”.

It is very unlikely that the new system of presumed consent will meet these criteria.

To make the new system more ethical, patients should be explicitly asked to express their opinion on the matter when attending a hospital or their GP. This will prompt awareness and provoke conversation about donation, which must remain a choice freely and explicitly made and not assumed. Taking without asking is not giving.

As suggested by the Irish Kidney Association, there should be an Organ Donor Register, where all wishes – to opt in or out – are explicitly recorded. “Knowing that a loved one had proactively recorded their wish to be an organ donor makes the family decision to consent a much easier proposition”, a representative of the Irish Kidney Association told the Oireachtas.

What is positive in this new Bill is that it is not inspired by a principle of absolute bodily autonomy of the patients, but it requires the involvement of their families, who could even overrule the decision of the deceased and veto the donation.

There are many reasons why the ultimate word should be with the families rather than with the individual.

While it is important to honour the wish of the deceased, we need to consider that personal decisions affect others, particularly the family. Some cultures place special importance on respecting the integrity of the body after death. Moreover, when organ donation happens against the wish of the family, they might refuse to cooperate, or their discontent could also affect the work of the health-care staff.

A proper ethical system in this area should follow two basic principles: explicit (not presumed) consent from the individual, and approval from the family following the death of the person. The second principle is still followed, but not the first and more important one.

Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash

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