@Fred@allthingstech.social The problem is that as I listen to conservative media, what you said in the article just doesn't match what I see with my own eyes.
I'm opposed to Trump. I really don't care about his moral character, I think he's just a moron who doesn't know how to be president, which is why he failed so badly during his first term. I think he doesn't have a place in the Oval Office because he's simply not cut out for the job, regardless of his moral character.
However, when I actually listen to the guy what I hear doesn't match what you wrote. You say every third sentence is an attack on someone, but I look at, say, his MSG appearance over the weekend and see a lot more positivity than that.
He makes a lot of promises that he absolutely will not fulfill, but those promises are a lot more positive than every third sentence is an attack on someone.
You say he's never turned a screwdriver, but I watch him rolling up his sleeves and doing just that.
The thing is, if we had spent years focusing on Trump's real flaws, the fact that he's a giant loser who doesn't know what he's doing, we would have been better able to counter him.
The things you're focusing on here aren't going to be compelling for his supporters because they know better.
@breedlov this is really something. It sounds like the reporting has been debunked, but the article is spinning the debunking of the sensationalized story as if it was proof and more runway for continued sensationalized reporting on this thing.
The conspiracy theory has been debunked, but apparently that's just more proof of the conspiracy theory.
@renzelen this really comes across as targeted at people stuck in echo chambers where they don't actually hear what Republicans are saying.
No, this description doesn't bear any relation to what I'm actually hearing from actual Republicans and conservatives.
Ugly and angry? As I'm listening to conservatives these days they come across as kidding themselves about everything being hopeful because they seem to think the country is falling in line behind their offerings. If anything they seem way too positive, not angry and ugly.
They seem out of touch and positive. This article itself ends up sounding ugly and angry, but not capturing what Republicans are actually offering.
@festal It never was going to be a big event.
All of the people running around screaming that the sky was falling were obviously making a mountain out of a molehill.
And we should remember that next time they start yelling about whatever they want to yell about next.
@nopatience The thing is, a lot of people want it this way, a lot of people are proud that there isn't a more intelligent way of perusing it.
So many people proudly declare that there is no algorithm here, they don't want to develop a better way.
So yep, it does feel ancient, and it's almost like Luddites clinging to old ways.
I mean, just goes to show that apparently Washington Post subscribers weren't particularly bright.
@stanstallman you went off the rails at your second bullet point.
To be convicted of treason there must be two witnesses? No, that's not how this works.
@HistoPol What in the world are you talking about?
You're really leaning hard into the conspiracy theory territory there, into the stuff that a lot of us left Twitter to hope to avoid.
@KamalaHarrisWin @indivisibleteam @democracydocket @democratsabroad
Both #Trump and #Harris are ridiculous candidates, and the parties need to be held accountable for that.
I can't help but keep thinking about how Harris has been openly talking about ignoring Congress, ignoring the law, ignoring the democratic process, to implement her preferences while claiming that Trump is the authoritarian even as he is also being bashed for promising to give up power, promising to relinquish power away from the federal government to the states.
This is the level of nonsense we have in #USPolitics these days. It's absolutely #Orwellian.
And beside all of that, this platform seems really eager to promote those propagandistic messages.
@jonahgibberish and PS, you should probably avoid making assumptions about my ideology. It's probably not what you're thinking.
Hate Group Moms For Liberty
@jonahgibberish It's not only children's sports. Adult sports have also been hitting the headlines but regardless, not the point, whether or not it is only children's sports, it's still only sports.
Hate Group Moms For Liberty
@Lazarou coming for you all? I hardly think children's sports is the genocide you seem to be framing it as.
@moira I think it's really noteworthy that the source is being linked to don't really support the claims being made here, and in fact they call out misreporting, and so this ends up being misreporting about misreporting.
This ends up being lies about lying.
Yeah, anyone who says this is anything other than what it is is a goddamn fucking liar, and I just wanted to point out that this post itself is guilty of that.
The description does not match the source material. It is lying. And that's how we get Trump.
Trump thrives on people noticing the liars. If we were just honest about him and about the world there would be no way that he would be a competitive candidate.
This sort of lie plays into his hands. That's the worst part, people who oppose him are the ones making the strategically wrong decisions, and end up supporting him.
@bibliolater for better or worse, this platform was simply engineered not to have that functionality.
A lot of people here are really proud of not having algorithms, as they say, so that means there really isn't a good option by choice.
@europesays this is one of those times to remind that if you're worried about what steps any president is going to do with their authority, maybe consider not giving presidents that authority in the first place.
If we can agree that this is a bad thing, then let's make sure presidents can't impose such tariffs.
@stephenkb.bsky.social exactly, and the differences between parliamentary systems and the US system are critical to understand, to see why this doesn't really work here.
When the Democratic Party changed candidates without consulting their constituents, that was extremely notable. And yeah, that makes sense in European parliamentary style systems, but it doesn't make sense in the US system, and that is being reflected right now and how close this election is.
The US system puts more emphasis on everyday voters, for better or worse. And the Democratic Party overlooked the voters to their own peril.
We'll see what happens.
@TomWellborn disinformation about this information is just the way of the world these days.
@alfiekohn That's a straw man argument, though
I think the most pressing and fundamental problem of the day is that people lack a practically effective means of sorting out questions of fact in the larger world. We can hardly begin to discuss ways of addressing reality if we can't agree what reality even is, after all.
The institutions that have served this role in the past have dropped the ball, so the next best solution is talking to each other, particularly to those who disagree, to sort out conflicting claims.
Unfortunately, far too many actively oppose this, leaving all opposing claims untested. It's very regressive.
So that's my hobby, striving to understanding the arguments of all sides at least because it's interesting to see how mythologies are formed but also because maybe through that process we can all have our beliefs tested.
But if nothing else, social media platforms like this are chances to vent frustrations that on so many issues both sides are obviously wrong ;)