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I’m a bit surprised that the discovery of ’s classified document mishandling didn’t get as much international mention as ’s.

It seems like the appointment of a special council to investigate a sitting president by his own Department of Justice, especially with all of the rhetoric around Trump, would have given that news extra impact.

Ah, well. .

(And )

volkris boosted
Personally, I think mastodon is a pretty poor choice of a Fediverse server platform for a #smallweb (single or few users) instance.

It is severely lacking in features that most other platforms have been delivering for a long time and perhaps the worst aspects are the resource requirements considering all you are really using it for, or those that a novice self-hoster needs to be saddled with.

In all fairness, if your aim is to approach #silo level habitation for your users (you said it isn't), then mastodon really does start to shine around the 20,000+ user account level where performance and stability under such loads would require significantly more horsepower than your probably likely to be pleased with spending on hardware - virtual or otherwise.

Lack of support for other types of text input, the paltry stock per post of 500 character count limitations, and a "local-only" post option that is absent for community based instances, among many other limitations, provides many compelling reasons for choosing other #Fediverse server options.

For example, since your objective is to provide yourself with a #single_user_instance, one of the lightest platforms with a few of those missing features might be that of

https://MicroBlog.Pub - engineered from the ground up to be a very lean, easy to install, and simple to administer platform.

Other "low energy" and simple to install alternatives might be #Calckey or if your not adverse to having an over the top feature set that can provide two way communications with other networks like twitter and Diaspora, Etc., then #Friendica affords extremely simple installation for anyone who's ever installed even a #WordPress site - because it only requires a simple and straight forward LAMP stack that most #Linux distros are already endowed with by default (basically, simply dump the files into a directory and your running).

#Pleroma and its family of fine forks is also very conservative on resource requirements and is a very stable and quite performant on an old #Raspberry_Pi in your home LAN (although installation is a non-trivial affair).

I'm any case, for the time being, you've chosen a platform to roll with, so the best advice I think anyone can give is to read up on the docs and ask plenty of questions as you go. Folks will be generally anxious to offer assistance.

One more thing. If you find that your okay with the resource hog that you've chosen, and become comfortable with administering your instance, but wish to avail yourself of the many other features that everyone else has available to them, there's an alternative you should really look into that's pretty awesome: The #Hometown Fediverse server platform has many rich features mentioned above and much more, while having the added advantage of already being familiar to you, since it stems from a fork of mastodon and is actively developed and maintained by a former Mozilla fellow. It's worth checking out 🙂

I hope that helps!

#tallship #FOSS

volkris boosted

Interesting details from @aral on how expensive and computationally intense Mastodon can be.

At the time, he had 22k followers. Every post he made, and each reply, kicks off ~3k Sidekiq jobs.

He's on a totally self-hosted server with just him. A €20/month plan won't cut it, nor will a €50/month plan.

Pricey pricey.

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I like to give back to the #fediverse. A complimentary and completely free (and worth it) list of potential domains for new Mastodon instances:


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Hello fellow citizens of the free and open web, it is me, Ben Brown. You may remember me from that social network from back when social networks were cool, or maybe from that one open source project that blew up.

Hi, it is great to see you again.

First off, corporate owned social media always sucked, we always knew it. It is past time for us to have better options.I am so glad for the #Fediverse and #ActivityPub and Mastodon and other projects for breathing new life into the indie web, where it is possible for us to own what we post and use whatever tools we want. I couldn’t resist building something!

My new project is called SHUTTLECRAFT. It social media server … FOR ONE.

What does that mean?

It is very small and lightweight open source app that runs nicely on services like Glitch, but it has most of what you need to host your own personal social media account.

It’s got a microblogging tool, to make posts. You can customize the design with HTML and CSS. You can follow people on Mastodon or other services and interact with posts and send messages. People can follow you on Mastodon, or with RSS. You run it on your own server so you own and operate the data and the code and the whole service. And you can hack the code and make it weirder so that we can all be part of a better, more diverse and more interesting web.

No billionaires or mega-corps required!

I made a 3 minute video showing how it works:

Though this a person a project and only a few weeks old and with tons of stuff still to build, you can get the code right now and run your own. The official site is also has a 3 minute walk through of setting up an instance on Glitch.

Or go straight to for the code:

Thanks to everyone who has already tested this or sent feedback or contributed code. Y'all rule.

Own your posts!! Make it hard for them to monetize you!

So when I watched ’s speech as was elected Speaker I thought he sounded dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb, like a bad SNL character.

I’ve been saying he sounded unserious, especially with the amount of pride he seemed to take in finding a bunch of words that all began with the same letter. Good job, buddy.

But one of the funnier things I’ve seen on this platform is somebody responding to that notion saying, what do you mean he was unserious? Didn’t you see how he trolled McCarthy?

Oh gosh. When we’re at the point that trolling from the Speaker’s chair is considered serious, well

I think we’ve gone full .

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RT I like Twitter's view count feature because it lets you see things like how @hradzka's epic deep dive thread about a minor yet pivotal character in Conan the Barbarian is getting more eyeballs than, say, The Daily Show and the entire CW network.

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@matt I’m perfectly fine with Gargron making money off of Mastodon, but he should stop running it like a business, acting like everybody else is their competition. It’s called the Fediverse for a reason.

One example: I read earlier today that he was considering implementing quote-posts. Problem is, there are already QP in the Fediverse, just not in Mastodon. That means there is already a standard, set by Misskey and adopted by everyone else except him. Do you think most people even know that? Of course not. For them, everything that’s not Mastodon is Mordor. And do you think Gargron will implement QPs is a compatible way? Of course not. He will use his “market share” to say: “I don’t have to listen to anybody else. This is, after all, the Mastodon Network.”

The Fediverse exists and thrives because of its diversity, but he just strives for uniformity. And don’t be mistaken, he’s been like that from the start. This behaviour is not new at all.


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A machine that builds ATMs would be called an "ATM Machine"...
-Shock_Hazzard, Jan 2014
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volkris boosted

All these people boosting stuff about #USPolitics #Speaker #SpeakerVote and none of them using hashtags so I can mute them. 😡

Some make comparisons between the Republicans being frustrated by a few fringe members and the being frustrated by their two dissenters last year, but there is a HUGE difference in the circumstances:

The Senate Republicans strategically let that situation unfold because it pulled the Democrats toward them. It was in Republicans’ interests.

This time the drama is pulling Republicans AWAY from Democrats’ position. It was in Democrats’ interests to intervene, and they are dropping the ball by letting the situation unfold in a way that makes them worse off.

It’s amazing how many miss this distinction in

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For people who’ve asked why the keeps voting, it seems that’s literally all they can do AND FURTHER, it’s what they must do, under the rules of the chamber.

If they are in session, they have to be voting.

If the members-elect choose to adjourn until noon, they are committing their future selves to vote at noon. And keep voting so long as they’re in session.

At this point in the House’s processes there isn’t an option for working on something else. This is the one, singular next order of business, to be overseen by the Clerk without a Speaker to choose a different task.

Procedures are fun!

If Democrats were really sad as they say they are about the lack of a Speaker delaying procedures in the House, then they could have easily either voted for McCarthy or simply abstained in voting against him to allow the election and get things going.

For better or worse, Democrats’ votes are complicit in the delay of getting to work.

Again, maybe that’s even for the best, but let’s not let them get away with pretending they’re not part of this process.

There’s an important detail to understand about : the Senate leaders don’t have nearly the power we’re told they do.

However, you can see the alignment of interests to promote that myth: the leader gets a feather in his cap while other senators get to duck responsibility for their (in)actions, blaming those pesky leaders.

Today’s drama in the over strikes me as members of the lower chamber trying to glom onto their own version of that myth, just in a stupider way, as befitting a lower chamber.

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Newly revealed internal communications show that Twitter, under government pressure, suppressed truthful speech about COVID-19 as "misinformation."

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Please. I’m begging you. Not every tutorial needs to be a video.

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I find it a bit concerning how mastodon talks about their software and new features as if they exist in a vaccum. They talk about implementing a QT feature and forcing people to opt-in or not... Meanwhile the rest of the fediverse has had the QT feature since forever, including modified mastodon instances. We already have a standard, no you cant force opt-in.. .either implement it or dont, you cant force other software to block a feature just because you on your server didnt "opt-in". Its literally equivelant to a link to the original post...

volkris boosted
A friendly reminder that Mastodon is not a social network! It's one of many pieces of software that makes up this network, often called the fediverse. While Mastodon is the most used software in the network, it is far from the only one. Reducing the network to Mastodon only really misses the point and potential of this diverse network.

#fediverse #mastodon
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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.