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Oof, I just realized i forgot to hashtag USPolitics, which I always try to do to help people filter that out of their own timelines.

My apologies to anyone who sees my post but was trying to avoid politics on their feeds! I completely understand that position!

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The big problem with the State of the Union speech was that instead of speaking to the whole country about the whole country, it focused on speaking to his own choir about himself and his reelection.

That's why people are criticizing it as a campaign speech.

If you're a Biden supporter, realize that the speech did not invite non-supporters, including independents, to join in his efforts. It appealed only to those already on board, which is not productive in terms of actually getting those efforts done.

In other words, if you're in favor of what Biden was calling for, you too should be critical that this won't help get those things done.

The speech seemed focused on helping nobody... except Joe Biden's personal reelection.

Growing up in the US, decades ago, I was cautiously optimistic about the future for the US government:
Sure, folks had ideological, philosophical, and political differences, but we'd keep on having a big social conversation, challenging each other, to come to a positive consensus, all as the government itself continued to maintain its core functions, shaped by the ongoing debate.

It seemed at the time as if we were working with a rough draft, and things would keep getting better. The government had good bones, to borrow an analogy.

The thing I find so depressing about as the
nominee isn't ideological. It's that we're now facing a race where the idea of actually administering a functional government isn't even a significant issue to voters. I never see it coming up in mainstream conversation from either the left or the right.

This is one reason I'm so obsessed about , because in my lifetime it's regressed so terribly, from a functional government that's responding to productive debate to one where functionality isn't particularly interesting to the average voter.

The US population has lost faith in government over this time, but the problem is, well, that's what they voted for by nominating people like and Trump.

It's why Super Tuesday was a symbol of this regression of the US government to me, even if it had become inevitable.

I remain struck by hearing a voter say he would be voting for over in the primary purely because Haley can't win the primary.

Not the general election, the primary.

That he was voting in.

The most charitable interpretation I have for this is that he wanted to feel good about having voted on the winning side of the primary, fitting in with the crowd.

But really, I think so many voters simply don't know how voting works.

volkris boosted

@charlescwcooke: "The gap between what is actually a strong legal argument and what the press insists is a strong legal argument has rarely been wider."

#TrumpvAnderson #SCOTUS #PresidentTrump #2024election #14Am

It's something to think of a nomination as a team hiring a coach who doesn't know the rules of the game and so can't explain them to the team, leaving them at a self-inflicted disadvantage.

Trump failed so badly during his first term because he didn't know which procedures to use to really press forward with his agenda, and there's little reason to believe he's learned anything since then, and he certainly hasn't been informing his sadly ignorant listeners.

Unfortunately, so many on the other side don't know the rules either, but their coaches do, so they're able to play the game.

We'd all be better off if someone was out there actually explaining to the general public how government works, so we could elect better officials left and right, and fix the derailment.

Ah: No, the ruling didn't declare embryos to be children, as any reading of the actual ruling would easily show.

In fact, the ruling went out of its way to stress that it wasn't making any deep or broad declaration.

Once again, there's social turmoil over what's either misunderstanding or misinformation. Sadly, I suspect there are plenty of bad actors who know they're spreading lies, but find the drama to be in their own interests.

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A major difference between the #ActivityPub federation and the #BlueSky #Atproto (#Atprotocol) federation is that under AcitivityPub, used by Mastodon, all servers that need to send or receive data from other servers need to make direct connections to each other. This means many queued jobs and many connections, maybe thousands. This leads to the classic sidekiq queue problems when Mastodon instances have numerous users with numerous follows, and relays.

In contrast, in atproto, the user's PDS, Personal Data Server, doing equivalent work of a Mastodon server, for example, only makes a few connections to the relay server's fire hose to deliver and pick up messages. It never connects to any other PDS directly. Theoretically, a tiny #PDS on atproto can handle a considerable number of users. This seems to be an advantage.

Mastodon admins spend a lot of time and money fighting performance issues, database connection counts, and sidekiq queues because the server has to talk directly to other servers. But the PDS only needs to talk to maybe one, or possibly a few relays to get and send messages.

Here's a diagram of the atproto architecture. It appears quite a simple architecture.

#MastoAdmin #Mastodon

I think a major factor in the state of comes down to a generational shift in mainstream conservative media around the passing of Rush Limbaugh, as the void he left was filled by new figures with a different attitude, one that wasn't so much full-throated promotion of conservatism itself but rather aggressive promotion of superficial fact that happened to be simply incorrect.

Whether one agrees with the conservative ideology or not, this has made a stark difference.

For example, the border compromise legislation weeks ago was sunk not by what was in the bill or by ideological disagreement, but by flat out misinformation about what the bill contained, as that information was emphatically promoted to the huge audiences that these outfits command.

I think if people understand that shift in rhetoric they can have a better understanding of the state of the world.

One really sad thing is that this change is even bad for as it means there's less solid skepticism to weed out bad actors in that party as well.

Of course, this also points to the way dropped the ball and let that void remain empty to be filled by idiots.

I often stay up to date with media in just to keep apprised of what the is talking about, or to put it in a different way, so you don't have to, but lately it's getting just two much even for me.

It's one thing to disagree with facts that are working with, but lately they are getting more and more unhinged in their actual arguments, contradicting themselves but seeming oblivious of it.

For example, this week I heard the line that progressive attacks against are good for him because they will make him seem moderate to voters. If the ideologues are attacking him, then he must be moderate, right? But then the next moment that same presenter started talking about progressive attacks against without applying the exact same reasoning to that case.

In the past few weeks mainstream conservative talking points have just gotten ridiculous in their blind support for Trump. They've stopped talking about policy, or their claims about accomplishments, or anything like that. Now it's just getting into chanting that really didn't exist before.

On one hand, it's sad to watch, it's pathetic, and on the other hand it's boring.

So I figure they are setting themselves up for a repeat of the red wave that never showed up during the last election. They are not setting themselves up to win.

Sigh. I wish they would at least make it interesting to watch.

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An Introduction to Conversation Containers

A conversation is a collection of messages with a common context. The ActivityStreams specifications define both collections and contexts, but very little guidance is provided on how to use them effectively. This document specifies an Acti #fediverse #activitypub

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Other way around. He started this by banning QOTO without cause (And justifying it) across all the servers he hosts. I called him out for lying and abusive practices. Since then a bunch of people stepped forward presenting evidence of his abuse.

He is now retaliating regarding the fact that I called him out.

@SpaceLifeForm @jerry @paco

volkris boosted


Similar experience.. we basically got "It doesn't matter if the accusations are real, it doesn't matter you have clear proof it was fabricated/a lie. You are on their block list and thats the criteria, take it up with them ( et el).

@wild1145 @SrRochardBunson @BobMastodon @oliphant

The latest in for the many on this platform that never seem to have any exposure to is that different factions of that side have contradictory claims about what's in the text of the immigration bill introduced to the .

One side says that the bill is awful because it does x, y, and z, while the other side says those things are emphatically not in the bill.

One side calls out the other for having supported the bill without reading it even as they themselves vociferously reject the bill... without reading it.

It's a really sad thing to watch, but in order to understand this moment in domestic politics one has to know that this intra party dispute over matters of fact is looming large.

And my impression is that it's really not about , at least not directly, even though he seems to be trying to claim credit for the tides that were moving already, as he often does.

From what I see it's more about conservatives who have no idea how the US government actually works and so had no ability to properly judge legislation, and so threw a giant hissy fit when they didn't get their uninformed way.

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*first day at my new marketing job*

Me: Toblertwo

Toblerone executives: Holy fuck

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@Bwee I don't know. For me Mastodon seems to gather the worst people in the world and I get a lot of anxiety.
I've been here for two weeks and I've never seen so much bs on any social media before.

Mastodon is for people who need to really show other people how good they are by posting, what they think, is humanist and social justice crap. That is of course my opinion.

I've never seen a place where people are more afraid to say what they really think about stuff.

I hope we can change that

My experience with is more interesting than just he's a liar or he's a capitalist or most of the other stuff being thrown at him, and in a really important way:

Over years I watched interview after interview where some reporter or fan would press him to answer questions outside of his level of expertise, and he would tell them they'd need to ask an engineer, but they'd demand an answer from him until he sheepishly gave in and told them what they wanted to hear.

I think over time Musk largely decided it wasn't worth trying to resist and started playing along a lot more.

But this is something we see with many public figures. They become caricatures over time, becoming the thing the public wants them to be.

This isn't at all to let Musk off the hook for anything. But since I personally really don't care about Musk, the larger picture is more interesting.

volkris boosted

Anyone know of a fedi or at least free-ish alternative to SoundCloud? I like posting my stuff for archival and for whatever folks might enjoy listening to my brand of self indulgent improv, but I just have no desire to engage with that site anymore. What are the cool Indieweb kids using these days?

#fediverse #indieweb #music #synth

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current poltergeist levels are 46%

(46%) ■■■■□□□□□□

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"An app is just a web-page wrapped in enough IP to make it a felony to block ads in it "

great insight by @pluralistic

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.