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Some humans won't be capable of anything before too long.

Big tech is out here trying to convince me to spend thousands on a new tablet, meanwhile I'm budgeting for an orange computer from before Y2K.

FAA approves test of the largest hydrogen-powered airplane to fly 

The FAA “granted California-based Universal Hydrogen clearance to proceed with a first flight of its hydrogen-powered Dash-8-300 test airplane”
They will test “the powertrain that converts the hydrogen to electricity and turns the propellers.”
“One propeller is powered by that, the other by regular jet fuel.”


If people, who are (or seem) incapable of undertaking a little research, they may find we reciprocate in a way that suggests they should at least read something first or provide evidence to their statement. So rather than being elitist, we are trying to help, if they can't then think and adapt, then they are less welcome.

if someone posts something that is say anti-vaccine, or anti science and you they be either ignored or asked to provide evidence. If people ask a question and the science source is just wrong, we can help them find a better source,

Important skills for 2023 and beyond will be critical thinking and adaptability.

Yes, the Fediverse should be for everyone.

It should not exist as a country club for nerds.

@TofuMusubi @futurebird

If I was that entity I would not be very happy about how Humans are wrecking the earth.


Looks like this is covered in the First amendment

in so far that this does not appear to be a denial of free speech

"Although the First Amendment applies only to state actors,[1] there is a common misconception that it prohibits anyone from limiting free speech, including private, non-governmental entities.[2] Moreover, the Supreme Court has determined that protection of speech is not absolute.[3]"

How protected are foreign visitors to the US and esp Florida and other states enacting similar laws, ?

The bill's sponsor, on his creation:

"When asked in an interview with The Star if the bill would be broad enough to prohibit LGBTQ teachers from discussing spouses and potentially ban certain books, Moon indicated it might.

'Gender identity and sexual orientation conversations would be prohibited. If they think that would be included, then it likely will be,' Moon said."

Once again, the tech world talks up the Chat AI revolution like it's vital to most of us, as opposed to the monied interests lining up to exploit a next big thing. Even when it's pretty obvious that the big thing is likely to be another shaft rammed up humanity's ass.

When I was taught at school and in my early working life to check over my work before I submitted it, I thought it was to catch any mistakes I had made.

Now it's to catch any mistakes and changes autocorrect has made behind my back after I've typed everything correctly.


I would much rather Rolls Royce did this, then Musk or Bezos they have an excellent track record and at least have ethics.


This DeSaints is a really nasty piece of work on many fronts,

@shoq No joke, a lot of my friends got caught up in the "choose a home server" step, even though they are y'know, generally clever people.

Corporate Social Media has fucked people's brains.


Someone needs to design one of these things to resemble the death star, it would look much cooler. So just needs a thick line around the circumference and a large circle thing which is the main laser cannon.

Shell reports their highest ever transfer of wealth from the many to the few as they continue their determination to wreck the planet.

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