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🛰️🌑 Le 24 mars à 17h05 UTC, le satellite chinois #Queqiao2 est entré en orbite lunaire (périlune à 440 km). Les petits satellites Tiandu-1 & 2 toujours attachés l'un l'autre sont également en orbite lunaire depuis 17h43 UTC (périlune 209 km)

You'll recall that the Tories included in their last manifesto the end/curtailment of the exploitative ground rent system in England & Wales.

Well, it seems this has now been abandoned in the face of intense lobbying from investment & pension managers who receive the payments.

So, just to be clear, given the choice of helping homeowners (under leaseholds) or people in financial services, despite a manifesto commitment, the Tories chose the latter...

So much for democracy, then!


Wow, I can't believe the progress so far.

@loops is really happening, and I'm having so much fun building this 😁

I have rebuilt my car that I made for the STEM group. Seems to be better now it is glued together, also put switches on either side. Wiring is a bit tight, but that is something I will take forward and apply to future projects.


Wikipedia 20 years ago was a fringe geek website with a grandiose goal. Most of the establishment hated it.

People from outside Wikipedia who try to analyse its current status must take its history into account.

People from within Wikipedia must stop behaving as if the project was marginal as it was in the early 2000s, and behave responsibly as the major actor of the web that they are.

Wikipedia used to be bullied. Now some want to turn it into a tool for bullying. That is not its mission.


World without Love was also written by Lennon & McCartney


Given what happened with Brianna Ghey and Molly Russel (and a lot more) perhaps we need that here only hold parents responsible or accountable for the actions of their kids.

Ron DeSantis signs bill requiring parental consent for kids under 16 to hold social media accounts - Photo by Jared C. Tilton/Getty Images

Florida Gove... -


Hmm, There seems to be a greater stigma running Linux systems too.

We need to require governments begin implementing UBI and taxing the rich or there will be a massive dying off of malnourished and starving people literally in our own backyards.⬇️

"Food prices will climb everywhere as temperatures rise due to climate change – new research " ..up to over 3% per year!
(Pensions do not increase this much.)

#News #Food #Poverty #CaringForYourNeighbour #Healthcare #UBI

@timbray @b0rk

Happy to help with Linux related stuff too, if I can't, help with a specific question I can at least boost questions etc.

@b0rk I love linux and would never consider anything else for running software for other people to use. But I live on Mac for software that *I* want to use.

Understood that you don't want advice, but if at some point you do, Fedi is a really good place to ask for it. Also FWIW I have some protips-from-a-longtime-user pieces on my blog.

@Snowshadow @AnnaAnthro @deborahh @stephanie @GottaLaff

Does it really matter if I use GB or US spellings for some words as long as the meaning remains the same people can still understand what you are saying, without being picky as if to assume everyone in the world uses US English.

I am British, and admit as I follow my local American football team, so I refer to American football as Football and what the world calls football as soccer. No one really seems to bother as people know what I am referring to.

Netanyahu has lost some support from Pres Biden. Will this stop his advancement into Rafah? Thankfully, the US didn't object today in a call for a ceasefire at the UN.

"Netanyahu cancels the departure of the Israeli delegation for talks at the White House regarding the operation in Rafah in response to the American decision not to veto the resolution in the Security Council that calls for a ceasefire and the release of the abductees." -Barak Ravid


Today, we've opened five non-compliance investigations under the Digital Markets Act.

It concerns:
🔹Alphabet’s rules on steering in Google Play
🔹Alphabet’s self-preferencing in Google Search
🔹Apple’s rules on steering in the App Store
🔹Apple's choice screen for Safari
🔹Meta’s ‘pay or consent model’

More info!4NF6bV

If companies can dispose of their toxic waste anywhere they choose, New Mexico’s acequias, groundwater aquifers, rivers and streams could face even greater risk of contamination than they do today.

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