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Via Angry Staffer:

Corrupt candidate promises Saturday night massacre on first day of Presidency if elected.

Seriously, he’s telling you exactly what he’ll do. Don’t vote for this.

Amy Siskind:

#Trump says he would fire special counsel #JackSmith in "two seconds." He has also said he would pardon all the #Jan6 insurrectionist. So much at stake! Find it in yourself to volunteer to get out our vote. We are not going back! When we fight, we win!!!


If they are being paid to say that about trump, they are being paid to lie, but are too stupid to see it, I am sure the recipients will be all over social saying how they got paid, the nice thing about that is that future employers and others should see them as patheitc liars and not have anything to do with them, other than to say you are a liar.

See how far their 1 million goes then, as their lives will be ruined due to greed for a start.

At least people like us are happy to tell the truth, and accept teh truth that trump is a deranged dangerous person.

God help is if he wins in November and if he loses we are in even more trouble. I fear he will try another uprising, as he won't sit still or keep his mouth shut either.


Once again the rich are a law unto themselves, we currently have diddy (or what ever his name is) being sued for a range of sexual offenses, We need to send a message to the super rich that no matter who you are the LAW applies to you.

Yet another allegation of sexual assault against Trump, this time from a woman who was a minor at the time.

Barely made a blip in the media. Amazing how this man can admit to sexually assaulting women for fun, and then when women say "yeah he did it to us," the response is she must be lying.🤔

But it's definitely not a cult.

@Miro_Collas @palestine

Good point, Seems an impossible situation which governments are blind to


When you see 1000s of troops marching in unison, they may look intimidating, then think how well trained are they, ypu can train people to march in unison but it says nothing about their ability to fight and conduct operations on the battle field, in a modern context.

The British army is much smaller, made up of people who have signed up and not been conscripted, so they want to be there. They are very well trained and have to be the best to stay in.

As we have seen with russian conscripts on the front line they are poorly trained and just cannon fodder. Most seem to be trying to desert to save their own skins (which is understandable). Time will tell if N Korea is a help or a hindrance.

@Miro_Collas @palestine

If we assume there are still hostages who are alive, then there has to be a reason they have not yet been released. They are going to need food, water and medical care, the IDF has destroyed so much infrastructure that this is not available.

Why not put the remaining hostages in well marked trucks and try and drive to the border, given the IDF current mandate of if it moves, blow it up, the IDF will probably wipe out all the remaining hostages. If done in well marked vehicles and video cameras this could be filmed, the IDF would then need to explain why they murdered the remaining hostages as there would be little in the way of excuses.


Before too long AI will replace work so people don't have to, when that happens those people will be out of work and the smirk will be off their faces soon enough, as they won't have income.

Having AI replace family, friends etc people are going to be very lonely indeed.

Hangon, some of this is already happening. People are driving this.

This is one of the most dystopian, depressing things I’ve ever seen:

An AI service that will call your parents for you so you don’t have to bother…


I am in the UK and am against the current situation, we need an immediate ceasefire, an end to arming isreal, lrelease of hostages (goes without saying) and an end to the suffering in both Gaza, the west bank and Lebonon. It is the UK government that are complicit, the people are mostly on the side of peace, including many jews who I believe disagree with this conflict, condemed Oct 7 2023, but also oppose Netanyahu and his regieme.

Goverments are complicit the rest of us are just banging our heads against the wall as more and more Horrors unfold.

So, Sir Kier Starmer, when are you going to change policy and bring about real long term change in the region, stop supportig israel, at least in the military sense, in fact the best thing the west (esp the UK) can do is to probably get out, stay out and mind it's own busine0ss, back during WWII palestine as a british protectorate (or something like that) as usual, in our infinite wisdom of thinking we know best, when the going got tough we left, we created the current sitation; So we are hardly going to be trusted to fix it and come up with a proper solution to this.

I find it odd, that all talk of Empire gives the impression of just being linked to slavery, no mention of the fact that the other legacy of empire is this situation.

I am not sure what we could have done differenty as I am not an expert in history or culture, but I am sure we could have done things differerntly and avoided what we have now.


Great work, worth entering in to a photo contest


The privacy enshitification in Win10 made me switch to Linux full-time back in 2016. In hindsight it's been a blessing.

Egypt has been declared malaria-free by the World Health Organization

Egypt has been fighting malaria for nearly 100 years. WHO declares a country malaria-free when the disease has not been present for at least three consecutive years before the designation. #press

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