Great work :)
10yrs ago give or take a month, I was broken.
Then I went on a trip around Scotland.
Then I bought a camera I didn't know how to use.
Then I went out in the landscape every single day for just over a year.
Then I had an exhibition.
Then I had a new career.
Then I was a little less broken.
Still working on it. But no regrets.
One of my first shots, 15 Nov '14.
Nature can heal. 🙏
If he wins on Tuesday we could be in a lot of Trouble, if Harris wins, I can see Trump not liking it and doing something very bad indeed. At least he doesn't have keys to the Nuclear arsenal this time, at least.
Donald Trump goes completely off the deep end in insane rally meltdown after he figures out he's losing
#PoliticalUnrest #TrumpRally #Meltdown #ElectionLoss #Insanity
The #FediJam, a game jam exclusively for users of the Fediverse, will soon enter its second round! During December, team up with others or go in alone, and... CREATE – A – GAME! Analog or digital, using whatever (non-AI) tools you feel comfortable with. The jam's page just went live, so what are you waiting for?!? ➡️ JOIN NOW: 🙂
Boosts VERY appreciated! ❤️ Spread the word!!!
#GameDev #GameDesign #IndieGames #BoardGames #GameJam #Fediverse #Mastodon #Introduction
to geologists the earth is just a bunch of play-dough. squishing and wrinkling, being wiped away and cut into by water...
I wonder if there are any simulators for this kind of thing?
I'd like to mess with the parameters and see what happens.
If you're looking for a good place to put out USABLE RESULTS rather than just adding to publication noise, please consider @joss ( "Committed to publishing quality research software with zero article processing charges or subscription fees." They could use reviewers and volunteers for editors, also. Top notch venue and a high signal to noise ratio, too, IMHO.
While my Guitar gently weeps
From me to you
Yer Blues
Hey Bulldog
Sexy Sadie
Real love
Real love
@BeatlesLyricsB Good night
Within you, without you
Interested in Technology, Science, Chemistry, Education, Fediverse, GNU/Linux and free software.