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10yrs ago give or take a month, I was broken.

Then I went on a trip around Scotland.
Then I bought a camera I didn't know how to use.
Then I went out in the landscape every single day for just over a year.
Then I had an exhibition.
Then I had a new career.
Then I was a little less broken.

Still working on it. But no regrets.
One of my first shots, 15 Nov '14.

Nature can heal. 🙏


If he wins on Tuesday we could be in a lot of Trouble, if Harris wins, I can see Trump not liking it and doing something very bad indeed. At least he doesn't have keys to the Nuclear arsenal this time, at least.

The #FediJam, a game jam exclusively for users of the Fediverse, will soon enter its second round! During December, team up with others or go in alone, and... CREATE – A – GAME! Analog or digital, using whatever (non-AI) tools you feel comfortable with. The jam's page just went live, so what are you waiting for?!? ➡️ JOIN NOW: 🙂

Boosts VERY appreciated! ❤️ Spread the word!!!

#GameDev #GameDesign #IndieGames #BoardGames #GameJam #Fediverse #Mastodon #Introduction

to geologists the earth is just a bunch of play-dough. squishing and wrinkling, being wiped away and cut into by water...

I wonder if there are any simulators for this kind of thing?

I'd like to mess with the parameters and see what happens.

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@AlanSill @joss

Thanks for this, I have added the link to a list of journals on my website

If you're looking for a good place to put out USABLE RESULTS rather than just adding to publication noise, please consider @joss ( "Committed to publishing quality research software with zero article processing charges or subscription fees." They could use reviewers and volunteers for editors, also. Top notch venue and a high signal to noise ratio, too, IMHO.

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