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When an American reporter working in El Salvador found out that he and his colleagues were being surveilled, he feared for his sources’ safety and his own. Now he’s suing in a U.S. court, @ronanfarrow reports.

As it happens this last couple of days I've attended student presentations. In one case the topic is "the language of science" where #students present projects about #science topics important for society. They come up with board games, scorebooks, youtube films, and more amazing stuff, trying to improve the world. Plus, this course is taught jointly between my university in Bordeaux and UF Santa Catarina, in Brazil, which is already awesome.
The other one is an advanced Genetics course at...1/2

Our research has showed that Office 365 already offers problematic features that could be abused to intrusively monitor employees.

Such features much be deployed with adequate safeguards to avoid turning productivity tools into surveillance machines.

Do you have any accounts on here you would recommend that are based in Asia, Africa or South America?

At the moment Fediverse is very much Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand.

Would be nice to get people from the rest of the world noticed on here!

New potatoes in November? Why not! Had a bag of spuds sprouted, shoved them in some grow bags and I have enough for a quick potato salad 🍠🥔🍠

Less than 20% of autistic adults are in full-time employment. Many of us drop out of the workforce after just a few years. Why is that?

Let's talk about Autistic Burnout!

#ActuallyAutistic #Autism #Neurodivergence #MastoArt #Comic #Comics

@jaz Thank you! I'm using a filter for politics because I like to be able to decide whether I read it or not, depending on how I'm feeling. It's not that I'm not interested in politics but I don't want political arguments thrust upon me when what I want is a quiet conversation.

The Milwaukee airport has my favorite airport sign in the country, hands down.

UPDATE: temporarily offline. I've got.... half of the new routing working, on new internet! It's an L2TP tunnel service that I'm hosting it behind and I've got IPv6 working.

IPv4 is next. gotta configure IPv4 routes (static), and reconfigure DNS servers.

ETA for services coming back online: 28 November 2022 (today is the 27th).

Kinda doing everything in a rush. I'm always chaotic when moving servers. Old internet gets terminated tomorrow anyways.

Fascinating to see tech people learn that setting up a Mastodon server, keeping it secure, paying the bills for hosting and the 24/7 devops... the easy part.

Proper steering of a community and keeping tabs on moderations is 95% of the work.

Don't start a server if you're not willing to learn and do that.

I’ll be teaching a four-part series on The Business of Creative #Writing!

Classes include:
1) Creating a Writing Practice;
2) Submissions and Rejections;
3) Pitching for Publication;
4) Book #Publishing 101.

Take one or all four! All online and open to anyone anywhere in the world. Sign up now and use code EARLYBIRD for 20% off through Dec 8.

#writers @writers

So by my view, using @mastodonusercount as a guide...

We are at 7.6 million accounts, and growing now by a steady 430,000 per week -- and if that continues on pace, at about 1.7 million new Mastodon users per month.

Feels like crossing 10 million by th new years day is entirely in the cards, just if things stay steady.

(And if Elon continues on pace - each crazy act causes a spike above average, so who knows?)›

🎥 #9: Mastodon from the Terminal

A 3-min video where I explore using `tut`, a terminal user interface (TUI) for mastodon, where you can create new posts, browser your timelines, view your notifications, and more...


Your Gmail Account (and other e-mail) Has Unlimited Addresses – Useful For Seeing Who Leaked Your Address to Spammers

Screenshot of a GMail inbox folder You can append to your existing e-mail address in various ways, and this could be pretty useful for seeing who leaked your e-mail address to spammers. For example, for your bank, give them the address […]

Every year, the Tor Project (a 501(c)(3) nonprofit) holds a fundraiser where we ask for your support. This year, we’re highlighting three positive forces in the world that are powered by privacy: resistance, change, and freedom.

The #JWST Transiting Exoplanet Early Release Science Team is excited to share the latest science results from observations of the exoplanet WASP-39 b, described in 5 papers released this morning. 🧵
Image: Melissa Weiss/CfA

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