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A record player left behind in an abandoned flophouse in the ghost town of Vulture City, AZ

The Holocaust did not begin with killing; it began with words.

Genocides do not start with mass murder. That's where they end up.

Genocides & other mass atrocity crimes begin with words - specifically, with powerful people dehumanizing a minority.

Once they are seen as less than human, anything is possible, even mass murder.

👉 You can speak out loudly today for the rights of others, or you can stay silent & wait for tomorrow, when your rights will be taken away too.

Job: PhD evolution cooperation birds - Portugal / South Africa 

#job 4-year #PhD position

Study using a long-term study on sociable #weavers at Benfontein reserve, #SouthAfrica. The PhD work is part of an ERC-funded project that is investigating the role of partner choice in the #evolution of #cooperation

#Birds #behaviour

Based in #Porto #Portugal, fieldwork in #SouthAfrica, collaboration with #Montpellier #France


I'm not the biggest fan of Democrats, but it's good to see Biden calling out antisemitism and Nazism

Server suggestions; boost request 

Hey all, some colleagues in our local UX professionals group are seeking UX or design-specific Masto servers to join as a first server; any pointers?

Boosts appreciated!

Trial Shows Fast-Absorbing Opioid Overdose Nasal Swab 

Results of a clinical trial show a nasal swab dispensing an #opioid antidote transfers more of the antidote into the blood stream than syringe injections or nasal sprays. #Science #Business #Overdose #ClinicalTrial #StartUp #Nalaxone #NasalSwab #FDA

Mysteriously bright flash is a black hole jet pointing straight toward Earth, astronomers say

The observations could illuminate how supermassive black holes feed and grow.

More on this, a Death Star construction update.


Communications system achieves fastest laser link from space yet

Lincoln Laboratory’s TeraByte InfraRed Delivery system sent data from a satellite to Earth at 100 Gbps — a rate that will transform future science missions.

#science #tech

My team at work just launched new research on the #TwitterMigration: We analyze which platforms are growing - especially #Mastodon, #Tumblr & #Post.

We look at which sites users are adding to their Twitter bios, posting to their friends about & downloading apps for.

Please do boost this, and love to hear any comments or feedback on it!

Download it here:

Please vote for us for the indie of the year award hosted by Indie DB and sponsored by ! Head over to and cast your vote!

#0ad #indiedev #gamedev #strategygame #opensource #free

I was diagnosed with #HIV in 1998, when I was 30.
At the time, I did not expect to live to 50.
I’m 55 now.
HIV treatment works and it means I can’t pass it on - we call this #UequalsU.
HIV changed. Tell everyone.
#WorldAIDSDay #WorldAIDSDay2022 #AIDShistory #CantPassItOn #FightStigma

It's not enough to squat a Mastodon handle that you never use.

It's not enough to automatically repost your Twitter timeline.

You have a chance to be part of something new. Something important. To shape it in the right way.

With all of us.

Breathe life into *this* community and *this* network by posting here, creating here, connecting here.

Be here now.

European Commissioner Thierry Breton just joined Mastodon!

His first post, published right after a call with Elon Musk, made it clear that there is still huge work ahead for Twitter to comply with EU law:

1. Reinforce content moderation
2. Tackle disinformation
3. Implement transparent policies based on objective criteria (i.e., not via Twitter polls)
4. Limit targeted advertising
5. Prepare for an independent audit

More info: @EC_Commissioner_Breton

#DigitalServicesAct #DSA #Twitter

We are excited to announce the release of our report, “Securing Digital Rights for Libraries: Towards an Affirmative Policy Agenda for a Better Internet.”

📚 The rights that libraries have always enjoyed offline must also be protected online.

1 December 1901 | A Polish Jew, Rubin Sznajderman, was born in Pilica.

In Auschwitz from 1 December 1941.
No. 23638
He perished in the camp on 12 December 1941.

Our podcast talks about the situation of Polish & Jewish prisoners in the camp.

#Auschwitz #Birkenau #Holocaust #Shoah #history #histodons #Nazis #Germany #NeverForget #ww2 #WorldWar2 #Memorial #Remember #podcast #education

“People Are Mocking Elon Musk’s Announcement That Neuralink Will Be In Human Brains In 6 Months”

"For when you want your brain to burst into flames." 😂🔥

The BBC asking "what can be done to reduce queues at A&Es and waits for ambulances?".

It's simple.

More funding. We need more money for social care to allow people to be discharged who are otherwise medically fine. We need more money for beds, Des & nurses in the hospital's. We need more money for more ambulances and paramedics.

12 years of underfunding by the Tories. This needs to stop.

I'm in the Fediverse since 2019, but never did an #introduction so far:

I'm a #Linux #sysadmin, digital #forensics expert and #Debian developer. Programming in #Perl and #shell most time.

I insist on a #mechanicalkeyboard.

I like #Citroën #oldtimers (#2CV, #HY, #CX) and the #CityEl. I travel with #motorhome and #Brompton.

I'm going with #BikeToWork and like exotic #bicycle types: #foldingbike, #recumbent and #trike.

I am and always was a #nonsmoker. Have #asthma, though. I am #vaccinated.

CustomTkinter is a Python UI-library based on Tkinter, which provides new, modern and fully customizable widgets

Shows a Pythin application window that uses modern looking CustomTKinter widgets They are created and used like normal Tkinter widgets and can also be used in combination with normal Tkinter elements. The widgets and the window colors either adapt to the system appearance or the manually […]

@zleap @skrishna Indeed. I had little to no insight on all of these happenings. I continue to learn. And this video was great and highly digestible.

I hope that the extraordinary work of Swapna (amongst others) is an inspiration.

I know that I am inspired.

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