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@JackTheCat I thought they were already on the proscribed list, but not even Combat 18 have made the list in the UK - I think the UK needs to look at its own extremist movements a little harder. Combat 18, are banned in Germany, unsurprisingly and Canada
There's a handy html list on the .gov website of who is and isn't on the proscribed list, and what that means.

“The team behind this particular warp-drive study, from Queen Mary University of London, Cardiff University, the University of Potsdam and the Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Gravitational Physics, say ripples in spacetime emitted by the bubble collapse of warp-drive technology could be found using gravitational wave detectors.”

#astronomy 🖖 #physics 🔭 #starTrek 📡

I seem to have lost a few hundred people while moving instances. Could you please boost this so they might find me again? Thanks! :ablobcatbongotwitter:

Infrared light—which #NASAWebb uses to observe the cosmos—can also be used to observe the world around us.

Dr. Frank Summers explains how infrared light is heat radiation and has numerous applications wherever temperature is important, such as medicine, energy audits, and firefighting:


I'm still reeling from the utter tragedy in Southport.

My thoughts are with the families of the children and adults murdered and injured by a very sick individual.

Yesterday's disgusting riots were an insult to the memories of the three children killed.

The lies spread by the EDL inbred scum that the killer was an asylum seeker (he was born in the UK) brought the nasty little thugs FROM OUTSIDE LIVERPOOL in the streets of Southport where they caused mayhem.

These were not Scousers, these were external actors who came into Southport with the intention of causing chaos. They had no thoughts for the families of the dead and injured.

The EDL must be outlawed. Those involved in the thuggery yesterday must be removed from society. It's time for good people to take a stand and declare that filth like these will not be tolerated.

Rest peacefully, little ones.

#RIP #FuckTheEDL
#fascism #racism #EDL #Southport

@EndIsraeliApartheid Israel has gone rogue and seems intent on winning a regional war if not starting the third world war. Our governments should be doing everything to stop it. #Palestine #Israel

@tchambers @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews Question: Does Ms Harris know about this campaign?

I'm not American so I haven't really been paying attention, but it's difficult not to see a #MastodonForHarris hashtag zooming past my timeline fairly regularly, and I did read @georgetakei's original post about.

And it's impressive what the campaign has been able to achieve. Impressive enough for Ms Harris herself to take note, and seriously consider creating an account on this network? That'd be nice! 🤔

I want to close the loop on this issue from an administrator perspective. Some folks here helped me understand more about how this ended up in my inbox. The consensus is that this report is an individual user and probably not from an instance administrator or moderator.

A user reported some posts from a thread that they found objectionable. Then they selected a checkbox that forwarded the report to the instances of *every other user* in that thread.

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Opening Dates and Times
Paignton Festival 31 July 2024 - 4 Aug 2024
Torbay Community Carnival Procession - leaves Paignton North Green - 7.30 pm 31 July 2024
Fireworks and Family Fun Day - 11 am to 11 pm (fireworks 10 pm) 1 Aug 2024
Live Music from 7 pm 1 Aug 2024 - 3 Aug 2024
Dog Show - entries taken from 1 pm 3 Aug 2024

I can't imagine what it's like to be an instance administrator who is not prepared to navigate these cultural issues. Especially when you've actually agreed to be responsible for other people's experience on here. That's not a small thing. And a big part of the current discourse is that the mastodon ecosystem hasn't given instance admins and moderators enough tools and support.

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@zleap @Nonya_Bidniss expertise is helpful but ultimately information science exists and we shouldn't limit research?

Sure we could go down the "licensing for academics" route...

John Oliver is the first major host of a show on a mainstream American network to publicly say Israel is committing genocide..#Israel..#Gaza..#crime

"An olive tree that's been growing for 20, 30, 50 years, is burnt in the blink of a eye". Non content with committing #genocide in #Gaza, #Israel is also committing #ecocide in #Lebanon, poisoning the earth for decades & exposing inhabitants to lifechanging illnesses. #Environment researcher Abbas Baalbaki compares it to #agentorange, a chemical long classified as something used to 'clear the canopy' but continues to maim generations of people in #Vietnam.

"In the two years following the start of the pandemic, the world’s richest 1% captured 63% of economic growth. The collective fortune of billionaires rose by $2.7bn a day, while some of the world’s poorest became poorer still" -- George Monbiot

A few days ago I lost my job due to the company I have worked for filing for bankruptcy. Now I am looking for a new, preferably startup, to work for.

If you think a full stack developer with 15+ years of C++ experience, 12 years of C#/.NET experience, and with additional experience in kernel development, Windows internals, reverse engineering, Qt and LLVM sounds interesting - please hit me up!

I am located in Sweden and looking for remote positions.

#fedihire #getfedihired

@zleap I suppose I wasn't talking about fringe social media there. There will always be underground extremist movements with or without social media.

But a lot of the Islamophobia has been stoked up for decades by news outlets. It's clear a lot of extremist ideology gets a helping hand from billionaire press.

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