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Have you seen this video tutorial on how to extract plots, curves and data points from images using #LabPlot's Data Picker tool ?

Data Picker has been available in LabPlot since the version 2.2, but recently we renamed it to Data Extractor.

#LabPlot #DataVisualization #PlotDigitizer #DataExtraction #DataExtractor #Plots #Graphs #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #FOSS #FLOSS

As somebody who used to work in probation (until I was made redundant in 2016 as part of the fallout from the tragic part-privatisation of the sector in 2014), I can say that there was a great culture of rehabilitation of offenders in England & Wales until the Tories tore it all up.

Our probation system was seen by the rest of the world as a model to be emulated and our overseas counterparts were just as upset and confused as we were when Chris “Failing” Grayling wielded the knife.

At the time, there wasn’t a single poor Probation Trust operating in England & Wales (all either rated good or outstanding), but apparently, the private sector would rush in and save us from ourselves. What a joke!

Things that should go without saying: Boys are allowed to show emotion regardless of their disability status or neurotype, FFS

When the upper class behaves like the lower class the lower class feels entitled to act as if they were the upper class.

Something went wrong. I want to live in a world where we can teach kids to be decent human beings that care for the future.

@zleap @EndIsraeliApartheid massacred in another episode of the ongoing accelerates phase of the previously slow genocide.

Things don't look to be getting any better at the Met (London's police force), if anything they look to be getting worse.

Having been branded institutionally racist, the Metropolitan Police don't seem to have got a real handle on how to change the character of the force.

If you're thinking 'its just these ten officers, perhaps they've just been unlucky', see it as part of a pattern of racism not a set of isolated incidents.... 'institutional' racism!

#racism #police

Probably the most damaging effect of the generative AI hype will be accelerating climate change. We have no realistic technology to undo the damage to the climate system and some mystical chatbot magic isn't going to make it go away either.

My current mood: Can I please not look at anything more AI related and have some valid excuse to just write some BASIC stuff on an Atari or Commore64 today instead? Maybe do some PETSCII style "GPU" compute?

“Tor bridges,” a way to keep using Tor in countries that block it | RSF Resource for Journalists' Safety

@ChrisMayLA6 The assumption that the users are wrong and only they are having issues (despite the fact that they knew their software was shite) is malicious and vindictive.

And deliberate.

“Curtailing consumption is the conversation nobody wants to have. Talk of how we can transition to a post-capitalist society has not yet made it into mainstream debate. Yet, there is no escaping these issues if there is to be a safe and equitable future for everyone on this planet”

Spot on from the Irish Times.

#capitalismkills #degrowth

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