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Google is now tracking your visitors for advertising purposes even when you’re not using Google Analytics or Google Ads.

I took a closer look at Google’s FLoC initiative and how you can fight back and opt-out as a web user and a web developer

Privacy International is a charity that has campaigned for the right to privacy since 1990. You can follow their official Fediverse account at:

➡️ @privacyint

They also have an official video account on their own PeerTube instance at:

➡️ @privacyint

Their website is at

#PrivacyInternational #PI #Privacy #Rights #HumanRights #NGO #NGOs #Charity #Charities #OnlinePrivacy #Videos #Activism #PeerTube #PeerTubers

Twitter is a website. Fediverse is an ecosystem

Site.js ❤️ Owncast: 30 second production installs

site enable --owncast

(In Site.js version 16.3.2 released moments ago.)


CC @owncast #Owncast #SiteJS #SmallTech #SmallWeb

Blue Origin’s flight director just polled the New Shepard team, and all stations confirmed “go” for launch from West Texas on a suborbital spaceflight at approximately 12:49pm EDT (11:49am CDT; 1649 GMT).

The countdown has resumed.

Watch live:

This sort of thing really annoys me

"The service, organised on behalf of The Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay, Councillor Douglas-Dunbar, given by the Rt Reverend Jackie Searle Bishop of Crediton and Reverend Nathan Kiyaga Torbay Dean will be broadcast live on the Councils Facebook page from 10am."

I have commented on their twitter page

To ask why they can't use a platform that does not mine user data.

So annoying people assume I use or even want to use FAKEBOOK

If you are on twitter and can like or comment further please do.

Really, asking "what should replace Facebook" is putting things the wrong way around.

A more interesting way to ask the question is, "what did Facebook replace."

People used to build their own websites. People used to have blogs. People used USENET which was truly distributed and un-censorable.

Facebook and Google took the open internet and open standards and monetized and made everything crappy. Enough of that. Nothing should replace Facebook, it's done, stick a fork in it.

🇩🇪 Die EU plant mit der #Chatkontrolle die anlasslose Echtzeit-Massenüberwachung all deiner E-Mails und Nachrichten. Mit verheerenden Folgen für dich und deine Privatsphäre, wie unser Video erklärt.

🇬🇧With #chatcontrol, the EU wants all of your private e-mails and messages to be subjected to real-time #masssurveillance. With devastating consequences for you and your privacy, explains our video.

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i had an income of €4800/mo in 2019 working as a programmer.

now my income is €1600/mo.

i don't want to work as a programmer anymore. i hated it. i thought i'd love it, for 15 years i convinced myself i just needed to find the right workplace, but it was just me.

so i live on 1/3 the income because i don't wanna do that. very steep price to pay, but it's worth it.

I really should get back into drawing. I enjoy it far more than programming, but it doesn't pay the bills. I actually learned to draw long before I got into computer science or anything related to technology. I did this drawing of Richard Stallman 2 years ago.

Trouble is, I only get the inspiration to do art once every blue moon. It's really hard to get motivated. My time is otherwise consumed writing code and wielding a soldering iron.

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