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In case you missed it: the ThinkPenguin, Inc. Free Software Wireless-N Mini Router v3 (TPE-R1300) is now certified to Respect Your Freedom. Read more about the new certification: and learn more about RYF at

PixelDroid is a FOSS app for using PixelFed (the Fediverse's alternative to Instagram). You can follow PixelDroid at:

➡️ @PixelDroid

The official site is at

PixelDroid has just been released on F-Droid at

You can find out more about PixelFed from its site at

You can join a PixelFed instance at

#PixelDroid #PixelFed #Apps #FOSS #Fediverse #FLOSS #Libre #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #Photography

Another happy ThinkPad. This is running Libreboot 20210517 (modified, versus what I plan to release). This laptop belongs to a good friend of mine, who sent it in for flashing.

Yes, it's today. I'm doing finishing touches. It's a testing release, but most machines are... tested!

A programme funded by the government of Kerala (a state in India) deployed 59,532 laptops with free software in school classrooms, running a distro called IT@School Ubuntu.

This might be one of the biggest deployments of GNU/Linux on the desktop!

The state of software in schools and what to do about it — #LibrePlanet by @noemu

- The entire US public school system was taken over by Google, Microsoft and Apple.
- Schools have good intentions but cannot spend a lot of time to adapt, thus prioritizing short-term/quick solutions.
- Some examples of using #freeSoftware in schools.

My sister's university is subscribed to the educational suites of both Microsoft and Google. Lectures are delivered on Microsoft Teams 🤦‍♂️

I just discovered which is a free and open source internet connection speed test service. Sorry, nothing personal but if it's #foss I just can't resist it. Bye!


The thing I like about having a blog: when I have an important (well, to me anyway) observation to make about one or more of the world's ills, or a wry rejoinder to an ill-conceived comment from someone else, I can iteratively refine the wording of said observation/retort to ensure it does justice to the original inspiration, rather than being stuck with whatever half-baked, incomplete, typo-ridden off-the-cuff rendering I originally posted. I'm similarly pleased with Mastodon's "re-draft".

being allowed to be an asshole is freespeech too. But youd better learn how to set up an instance yourself if you care about being able to be that

Don't get me wrong, computers can absolutely help us regain our environmental efficiency. They just *aren't*.

Not as long as we're:
* constantly syncing everything to the cloud,
* expecting same-hour delivery,
* funding our clickbait via surveillance advertising,
* buying a new phone every year,
* using AIs because they're cool rather than useful,
* running bloated software & webpages,
* buying into "big data"
* etc

Computing is environmentally cheap, but it rapidly adds up!

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Building bridges between social groups who have different ideas about power is a thankless task.

But without bridges, we have the normal outcome of irrelevance and decay or at best struggle with the possibility of war.

Looking back on the timeline if you are interested in understanding the bridge metaphor.

It's an issue in meany areas, am mediating this in #londonboaters and #fediverse, and it's a mess with no easy good outcome.

Clean Up The Web!


- Italian translation by Alain Mauri (

- VSCod(ium) code tour for translators by Tomas Ekeli ( who also wrote the Norwegian translation

- French translation improvement by goofy-mdn (

Thank you all :) 💕


#FollowFriday / #FF recap of this week's recommended follows:

🌟 @hannahcomb - Surreal drawings often inspired by medieval works

🌟 @joplinapp - Free open source notes & to-do app

🌟 @BenjaminBrinckmann - Creates naturalistic digital paintings

🌟 @pixelfed - Fediverse's alternative to Instagram, you can follow PixelFed accounts from Mastodon and vice versa

🌟 @Fairphone - Manufacture fairtrade self-repairable modular smartphones

🌟 @TranslateScience - Promoting translations of scientific works

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