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Everyone should immediately stop contributing to the stack overflow and its network. The human touch is what made it unique. Delete your profile from SO AND all your answers. Freeloaders are making money out of human contributions.

“Israel’s military offensive in Rafah could lead to the deadliest phase of this conflict, inflicting horrific suffering on approximately 1.4 million displaced civilians in the area. The relocation orders issued by Israel today to thousands of Gazans, directing them to move to Al-Mawasi, are beyond alarming. The area is already overstretched and devoid of vital services.” - Norwegian Refugee Council Secretary General Jan Egeland

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That's it. It's official and acted. My Alma Mater (West Virginia University) has killed my department and the program that gave me my degree and so many people so many opportunities to expand their world.

The American Right attack on Humanities has made another victim.

#WestVirginiaUniversity #WVU #Humanities

Amazon provides free communication monitoring technology to prisons that monitor all of their phone calls.

They thenutilize that communication data to build out their AI systems,

creating massive profit for Amazon and zero compensation for communities who are unaware of their role in their own forced labor.

Well, I got my first white supremacist reply from the fediverse after posting an article about Elon from Flipboard.

I reported and blocked the account. I also looked at the instance admin's account and it's clear he's also a white supremacist. So that instance will be blocked on and as well as shared with other instance admins as a problematic instance for them to take action if they also deem appropriate. Took all of 2 minutes to help make the fediverse a bit better for everyone.

And the best thing is that anyone in the fediverse can do this too. Decentralized moderation FTW.

I am not pro-Palestine or anti-Israel. This isn’t a football match between two equally-matched teams where you support your favourite. I am anti-genocide and Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinian people.

#Israel #Palestine #Gaza #apartheid #ethnicCleansing #genocide

Great first day of LibrePlanet 2024 yesterday. More talks and activities today.


My father died 15 years ago or so without ever seeing this come about, but if a larger group of people with more power had forced this issue through the courts in the late 1970's we could have had fairly widespread solar and combined-heat-and-power generation in CA by 1989, dramatically reducing greenhouse emissions from CA over the last 30 years.

Very happy to announce that @tomcoates and I have been given a #SummerOfProtocols grant to develop an end-to-end encryption (E2EE) protocol for #ActivityPub, including a reference implementation and a report to submit to the W3C SocialCG.

A former NSA employee named Jareh Dalke was sentenced Monday to nearly 22 years in prison for attempting to sell classified national defense information to Russia for $85k. His buyer was actually an undercover FBI agent. Oops.

the united states showing the world it will eagerly erode its own democracy to defend its genocidal colonial outpost in the middle east, regardless of whether democrats or republicans are in power

Laser excitation of Th-229 nucleus: New findings suggest classical quantum physics and nuclear physics can be combined #science

Are Microsoft and Adobe really the only ones making software that can create #accessible tagged PDFs?

I would rather not use either of them!

Please boost this question 🔁

I can't find any alternatives :(


Things spotted on market day in small city Aotearoa #newzealand

Two women standing by a patisserie stand, talking smack in French about a nearby woman's shoes. Nearby woman then orders cakes in fluent French. Vibe is of a perfect mic drop.

A guy being greeted by friends who say they haven't seen him since a pandemic zoom call when he'd appeared to be doing it tough. He replied that he'd spent the pandemic stuck in a house with his Uncle Kev who'd been trying to learn the xylophone. The word "challenging" was used multiple times.

A small human completely entranced with a busker playing guitar. Bobbing and dancing along to the music. Doesn't want to leave when parents call her name.

A woman with a bright red scarf buying a selection of cakes at a Ukrainian fundraising bake sale. She then turns to her 3 grandkids with a straight face, saying sugar is bad for kids so she'll have to eat them all. Waits for the protests and then emits a delightfully wicked belly cackle.

A preacher delivering the fire and brimstone to the people at a zebra crossing through a portable mic.
His hype man contributing Dad-made-me-come ad libs of:
"Uhm, yeah, praise the lord?"
"Yeah. Uhm. Praise Jesus?" before getting the lowered eyebrows of retribution and stepping it up with a,
"Yeah. Uhm. Praise be?"

A batty author who thought that buying a large pumpkin and carrying it home up a steep hill would be a good idea.


French President Emmanuel #Macron said the American security umbrella is a thing of the past and that the continent needs to build its own credible defense strategy if it wants to survive.

Macron said the continent may need to produce its own anti-missile shield, long-range surface missiles and other items to sufficiently defend itself in the present geopolitical context.

#Ukraine #Russia #US #EU #France

British Columbia and the Haida Nation’s historic agreement recognizes Haida land ownership across the archipelago — and marks the first time a colonial government has recognized Indigenous Title outside the courts

I did my PhD field work in Brazil's Cerrado, so this is especially heartbreaking to read.

Earthsight report links supply chains of fashion giants H&M and Zara to large-scale illegal deforestation, land-grabbing, violence and corruption in Brazil. #Fashion #Environment #Deforestation #Brazil

STEM Group, 27th April 2024

The next Stem group event will take place on :

Date: Saturday, April 27th 2024
Time: 10:30am to 15:00
Location: Paignton Library and Information Centre
Room: 13 & IT Learning Centre

If you work in a team or organization of any size, there is probably someone who is responsible for making sure your domains get renewed on time.





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