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I run a university – people like me should be backing students' right to protest over Gaza | Patrizia Nanz

@neil I've used LaTeX a lot in the past. Was using LyX back then—these days Overleaf is the easiest way to start (their introductory docs are up-to-date and pretty good), but obviously for confidentiality you will probably want to switch over to your own infrastructure once you're up to it.

Finding relevant classes (the equivalent of templates) for your uses will be the hard bit. Letter and memo are a good starting point. There are some legal-specific classes/packages out there but... dunno.

Von der Leyen backs Polish, Greek calls for EU air defense shield

“We have to have a common air defense shield for all of Europe, like it was proposed by Mitsotakis and Tusk,” the Commission chief said.

In the era of AI, it is now the duty of every major site to do at least one total shitpost a week to make sure AI steals it.

I strongly believe, if Trump is reelected, he will finally get a border wall.

Because Canada will gladly pay for it.

When I say that the proliferation of "AI" bullshit being disseminated as fact-finding or -certifying machines is going to get people killed "Google's GPT System Tells Someone To Mix Vinegar And Blerach (I.e. Make Chlorine Gas) To Clean Their Washing Machine" is exactly the kind of thing I mean

So there's always the debate between QWERTY and alphabetical keyboards, but everyone is missing the obvious way to solve this disagreement.

There's no reason the alphabet HAS to be in that order. It's arbitrary, and English would work almost completely the same if the alphabet was in a different order, you know?

So, let's just put the alphabet in QWERTY order!
It'd solve all our problems from Q to M.

Paul Parkman died earlier this month. He was the first person to isolate the measles virus and helped develop the vaccine against it that’s still in use today.

He purposefully gave away his patent rights so the vaccine could be distributed as cheaply as possible. He saved countless lives. A tremendous hero.

The next time someone insists that capitalist greed is human nature, that no one will ever labor “for free,” remember Dr. Parkman and the countless other scientists and doctors who have saved so many of us.

It seems to be that, now the UK GE has been called, the war in Ukraine and Israel has stopped, global warming and associated climate / weather as stopped. Along with all the other things that are happening worldwide.

At least going by the fact the BBC are giving endless coverage.

look, i’m obviously one of those crusty, old command-line-first linux guys, but hear me out: you don’t need to be “culturally linux” to use linux. you can just install it and use it and not make it part of your identity.

any of those distros people talk about will work fine, great even, right out of the box: popos, mint, fedora, elementary, zorin. it doesn’t really matter.

30,000+ people losing power because of a fucking beaver gnawing on shit is the most Oregon ass news

That's odd. The UK election is being held on the USA's Independence Day, while the US election is being held on the UK's Guy Fawkes Night.

Don’t know if we can draw anything from that, but it's curious...

#UKpol #USpol

DeSantis bans rainbow colors on Florida bridges ahead of Pride Month
Sunshine Skyway Bridge will instead be lit up in red, white and blue to mark governor’s latest policy – ‘Freedom Summer’

this is not #AI

this is not a scene from a movie

this is simply a one in a billion video shot at the right time at the right angle by a teenager in #portugal a few days ago

fucking amazing! positively biblical

#space #meteor

Netanyahu is a corrupt, authoritarian leader who would prefer Donald Trump to be president of the United States. Undermining the legitimacy of the International Criminal Court on his behalf would be a grave strategic mistake — a mistake that we urge President Biden and congressional leaders to avoid.

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UKpol Please share this, important information 

So, with the recent news of the potential upcoming general election, the subject of voting and voter ID is gonna be coming up again


But if you do not have a valid ID there are options!! You can apply for a free voter ID card from here

BUT I don't believe this counts as valid ID for anything else.


I hope the National Union of Students is still doing this but you might also be able to get a Citizen ID card for FREE when you use code "NUS" at checkout. I got my free card last time we had local elections and the code still worked then, otherwise it's £18. If the code no longer works please tell me so I can edit this post as needed.

Please please please don't just not vote, this might be the most important general election that we've seen in a long ass time

Please share so as many people see this as possible

A new study reveals a significant link between higher temperatures at night and increased stroke risk, particularly in the elderly and women.

Researchers analyzed 15 years of data from Augsburg University Hospital and found a 7% increased risk of stroke following tropical nights. The study emphasizes the need for adaptation strategies and urban planning adjustments to mitigate the impact on public health. #ClimateChange

Are there any grants that you can apply to at the #postdoc stage to do data analysis?

#Academia #Neuroscience


You can do perfectly good computing on a ZX Spectrum.

I love how this is today’s hot topic. Very Fedi. :pg:

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