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If you're in the market for purchasing stickers, I found a nice alternative to #StickerMule and it's CEO's staunch support of #Trump

Sticker Junkie is 100% #woman owned & operated since 1999.
They currently offering 15% off for everyone jumping off that other company if you use the code ByeDonkey

"Orion's Belt is a big waist of space."

Terrible joke.

Only three stars.

The shortlist for the Astronomy Photographer of the Year awards was announced a couple of weeks ago, but I'm only just catching up. I love this photo of aurora over the Arctic Henge.

You can see all the shortlisted photos here:

My employer has started using artificial voiceover for the short mandatory training videos we have to do from time to time. I don’t object to the mandatory training. It’s good to be reminded of simple things now and then. But as soon as I’m presented with artificial voice I switch off. If nobody could be bothered to voice it, why should I bother to listen?

“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

'Social media giant Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, has censored the School Strike 4 Climate group. The group’s Instagram page was shut down in April after it announced plans for a school strike for West Papua on August 30.' #FreeWestPapua

Photo of a pond in local park surrounded by trees and other foliage.

I recently learned about another woman who had left her PhD program because all the men in her lab wouldn't stop hitting on her and harassing her.

This is not the first time I have heard a story like this.

I am not usually prone to fits of uncontrollable rage, but I have been fucking seething.

We need to do better.

@harriettmb agree and in many cases the charity is only filling a gap in what should be state provision.

“🚨The Israeli army has killed Mustafa Al-Baraghithi, one of the prominent volunteers at the Teacher Creativity Center in its educational forums, during the horrific massacre and bombing of refugee camps in Khan Younis, southern #Gaza Strip.”

#Israel #warcrimes #genocide #Biden I recreated Estonia in Minecraft as part of a fully playable map of Europe I’ve made using satellite data 1:230 scale. #estonia

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