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"What’s been really striking this year is that while traditionally deep distrust of the mainstream press has long been the province of right-wing Republicans, now it’s liberals who once cheered for the media to do better who seem to be giving up on them."

~ Will Bunch

#KamalaHarris #Trump #media

In Afghanistan, the Taliban's Minister of Education has announced that girls' schools are likely to remain closed permanently.

As a Muslim let me be explicitly clear. This is apartheid, vile, & inexcusable.

Prophet Muhammad(sa) declared, "It is incumbent upon every Muslim male & every Muslim female to attain education." His wife Ayesha was a leading scholar & jurist. His final words were "women are your committed partners." Not servants—PARTNERS.

Taliban terrorists are a stain on humanity.

Good read 🤔 How Meta enforces purpose limitation via Privacy Aware Infrastructure at scale. “At Meta, we’ve been diligently working to incorporate privacy into different systems of our software stack over the past few years. Today, we’re excited to share some cutting-edge technologies that are part of our Privacy Aware Infrastructure (PAI) initiative. These innovations mark a major milestone in our ongoing commitment to honoring user privacy.
PAI offers efficient and reliable first-class privacy constructs embedded in Meta infrastructure to address complex privacy issues. For example, we built Policy Zones that apply across our infrastructure to address restrictions on data, such as using it only for allowed purposes, providing strong guarantees for limiting the purposes of its processing.” #Privacy #Infosec

America’s ultra-rich are sitting on $8.5 trillion in untaxed capital gains.

Even on money that is taxed, the rich are making out like bandits.

In 41 states, the top 1% pay lower tax rates than everyone else.

When I say the system is rigged for the wealthy, this is what I mean.

I don't normally ask for boosts, but I have just LEAPED out of my comfort zone and set up my own gamejam, specifically for users of the Fediverse, and I'm scared shitless that nobody else will join, turning this into one giant embarrassment for me.

So if you want to do me a giant favor, please boost (and even better: join!) this: PLEASE! 🥺 🙏

A few years ago I was sent some flyers on space careers by UKspace, mostly for the STEM event at the local library, that I was running, I had made some available in the main library, too. These were down there for some time, with very little indication of iterest.

Last week I dropped some off to a new STEAM cafe and discovery centre in Paignton, only just opened, within a few days they had pretty much all gone, which shows how putting flyers in the right place is key, I am dropping more down later, so hopefully this will inspire more people to look in to space and related career options.

#Russia is likely testing #Poland's air defense system, Polish Brigadier General Tomasz #Drewniak told Radio RMF24 on Aug. 27, after a likely Russian drone flew into Polish airspace on Aug. 26 amid a mass attack on# Ukraine.

"By releasing the device onto our territory, the Russians are checking how our system is raised, at what time we raise the alert forces into the air," General Drewniak said.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres issued a global climate “SOS” at a Pacific islands summit, highlighting the rapid rise in sea levels in the Pacific region.

Research shows that sea levels in some parts of the Pacific have risen by around 15 centimeters in the last 30 years, compared to the global average of 9.4 centimeters.

#climatechange #sealevels

@ditol @serge
No. If Jews are being chased off Fedi then that bothers me, and I'm not Jewish. It bothers me because it's an injustice, it bothers me because it robs Jews of a positive experience to which they have as much right as I have, and it bothers me because Fedi is poorer for having too few Jews in it.

11,964 Soviet prisoners of war were registered in Auschwitz, and there was an estimated 3,000 soldiers brought to the camp and killed without being registered.

The estimated number of Soviet POWs killed in Auschwitz exceeded 14,000.

Go to the lesson:

@zleap some basic image recognition auto banning sounds reasonable. The problem is not unsolvable.

Part of this new terrain is the tendency of humans to equate poor grammar, spelling mistakes, and a lack of flow in text as markers of untrustworthiness, and reciprocally, ascribe trust to text that has good spelling, smooth flow, and good grammar as being trustworthy.

That is forever broken, and now we must deliberately and consciously review all texts according to accuracy and reliability, rather than how glib and smooth they are

It's a terrifying development.

LLMs are literally designed to generate *plausible-sounding* *bullshit*.

They have no accountability and even less allegiance to truth than crooked cops—but they will be much, much better at writing the kinds of falsehoods that will bring a conviction.

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Allowing police officers to submit LLM-written reports reveals a remarkable misunderstanding of what LLMs do, a profound indifference to the notion of integrity in the communications of law enforcement with the justice system, or both.

Given how readily subject to suggestion human witnesses—including police officers—are known to be, this is a disaster.

Yes, police reports aren't always the most accurate, but introducing an additional layer of non-accountability is bad.

Don’t we have laws? If we have stricter laws that fine the platforms, maybe there will be incentive$ to actually regulate.

But then again, everyone quitting twitter is a good outcome tho

@PogoWasRight Dont beat yourself. You do great work, and we appreciate it.

It'd be neat to try to promote a film by making it seem like lost media. Put clips of the film on DVD or VHS in thrift shops and have someone upload parts of it.

Drop hints about the film being from an altered reality by having parts of ads from companies that don't exist and mentions of events that never happened in the commentary.

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