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⌚ Time and Trust is lost in Technology ⏳ ...

⌚ Time and Trust is lost in Technology ⏳

And at the same time we are also not doing the people / friendship work.
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 🔄 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 ❤️

Think of being 15 playing PlayStation and again with PC :playstation: 💻

Isn't it really similar / the same even if it became more accepted professionally.

🤖 🎰 🔄 🤖 🎰 💰

Good fun, occasionally something - but not actually advancing people or yourself with others?.

Tech as new PlayStation ? i would admit it after all these years.
1 player game or lonely multi-player with other loners.

Emptying time more than filling people with something more connected / real? And if it doesn't exist, we must make it.

So not everything is quite written off as #gaming but similar dynamics and even excuses not to interact with *people* and potential things that get undermined or deleted eventually (yes we can use tech but we have all the basic tech already for people to interact - not need for any more, just maintain #email, #jitsi, #bigblubutton, #torrent, #p2p, #Mastodon, #XMPP, #FTP (not even nextcloud / open cloud etc as FTP is native to os and strong for small or even large groups, Debian still uses it for example) and a few other solid protocols

ALL else is a bit of a time dump if people can't themselves communicate - so this is what needs work - even if you build the best sports car, people are still the weak link and wreck everything unknowingly - they themselves are a wreck due to history and mal-practice of contact between people.

Seems to just apply a kind of therapy as the basic work is the best way via Jitsi and go "at the speed of trust".

Building Friendship [Trust] vs. Playing PlayStation [Spending Time solo]

CC : Amiya Behera #FBPPR @amiya_rbehera
from recent conversation about trust in tech, blockchain etc


@balkonsolar Danke für eure informative und hilfreiche Arbeit.

Was ich bei den Webinaren vermisse ist eine datenschutzfreundliche Software (was #msteams nicht ist). #Senfcall mit #BigBluButton ist ein Vorschlag dafür.


Senfcall – Gib deinen Senf dazu!


Liebes @mobilsicher Team,
Wäre schön gewesen, wenn Ihr in Eurem Bericht zu #BigBluButton zumindest kurz auf öffentliche Instanzen wie @senfcall eingegangen wärt. Denn dort ist das User-Erlebnis ein ganz anderes - und auch die bessere Situation in Sachen #Datenschutz wäre erwähnenswert gewesen.
Schade - denn so denken sich vielleicht doch einige Leser fälschlicherweise „Dann kann ich ja auch bei #Zoom bleiben...“ :mastoface_with_rolling_eyes:

Vincent Mabillot

Parmi les fonctionnalités de #bbb la possibilité d'organiser de petits sondages à la volée. clairement s'est sommaire, mais pendant une session sans webcam et micros coupés ça permet d'avoir un poil de feedback #visio #bigblubutton