I am still of the opinion that the vast majority of high functioning autism and people "on the spectrum" isnt autism at all, or any sort of mental disorder, at least in the USA. These are the normal and well adjusted people. It is americans that are hyperconfrontational and create drama out of nothing expecting others to guess at subtle hints rather than acting like a mature adult and being direct and communicative of their feelings.
What we really need is a disorder called HSSD (Hyper Sensitive Subtlty Disoorder) or something describing this behavior and the. Label the vast majority of americans as being mentally ill.
The thing that makes this so obvious to me is uf you take any of these people labeled as autistic who feel they cant read social cues and then stick them in a country with a relatively healthy (mentally) population they will function perfectly fine and appear completely normal.
#Autism #aspie #mentalhealth