Am I the only one who ever thinks about countering g-forces by allowing a pilot to be submersed in liquid instead with neutral boyancy. This would completely eliminate passing out from g-forces at any acceleration factor.
Though of course it would be complicated so I understand why it isnt done. You would need a complicated system to maintain pressure in the tank so it wont fluctuate quickly. But since g-forces are usually transient if done correctly decompression might not be a big issue
I've been using the chrome google translate extension for a few weeks now to translate foreign language posts in my feed. It has done an amazing job virtually every post seems to translate and the translation seems well enough to communicate and get the original intent.
How is this not a built-in mastodon feature!
So, woodworking. For an engineering question. How much manufacturing waste should I reasonably expect from marine ply? I am trying to work out material utilisation right now, but I actually don't know enough about the material to work out a margin of error on it and it would mess with me to just guesstimate. Does anyone here know how this material behaves irl?
So I posted some questions on our discourse about how we want to use and/or moderate the QOTOJournal hash tag. I will repeat the questions here and leave a link to the discourse at the bottom for further discussion.
Does it have to be STEM specific or can it include other fields?
Does it need to have scientific integrity (Peer review) or simply be "serious"?
Do we enforce any sort of quality standards?
Should it be restricted to only sharing ones own work or can it be for anytime someone shares serious work from any source?
Do we limit the timeline we have built-in to QOTO to only display users of the Tag from our local server?
Do we put any limits to how often people can post to the tag?
What measures, if any, do we want to use to prevent abuse of the tag?
RT @CuteAnimaIVines
poodle gets very excited when his owner shows up to pick him up from doggy daycare