"《Asia Markets》報導,中國政府消息人士透露,中國政府正在介入恆大債務危機,恆大有可能被分成三個實體,最終決定或將在幾天內宣布。
"對於這波中國地產股崩跌,凱爾巴斯在推特上用「banking crisis」是一語雙關,除了銀行因為放款給地產公司而慘遭倒帳的危機之外,從他標記匯豐銀行就暗示著,這些銀行還可能涉嫌非法貸款、超貸給這些地產公司,恐面臨司法上的調查和整肅,是另一種的「banking crisis」。"
【恆大們出列!一天暴跌87%不能再高了 華爾街大佬點名香港這家銀行涉超貸】
出處:信傳媒( https://www.cmmedia.com.tw/home/articles/29912 )
[ The officials characterized the actions being ordered as “getting ready for the possible storm,” saying that local-level government agencies and state-owned enterprises have been instructed to step in to handle the aftermath only at the last minute should Evergrande fail to manage its affairs in an orderly fashion. ]
「中國房地產是中國經濟支柱產業,穩增長必備:拉動GDP三成,貢獻財政四成,創造信用五成,是中國經濟內循環的核心動力。房地產的問題,絕不只是來自房地產,而是中國經濟增長模式、貨幣發行模式、信用創造模式、財政運行模式、國家和社會治理模式等種種問題的集中表現。 隨著人口懸崖和債務大爆發,房地產不斷的金融化,成為債務密集度畸高的行業。從拿地到開發,基本上都是依靠債務--房企開發貸+居民按揭貸。
中國的債務型經濟增長模式,經過金融深化與金融自由化,已經具備所有金融危機的動因。 中國房地產的高槓桿屬性,銀行放貸失控火上澆油,房價上漲抵押物升值會進一步助推銀行加大放貸,甚至主動說服客戶抵押貸、放槓桿。在世界歷史上,歷次房地產泡沫中銀行業都深陷其中,房地產危機既是金融危機也是經濟危機。」
這篇認為當中國政府意識到投資效益低下後試圖用提高內需拉抬效益, 當投資集中於房市開始過熱後又嘗試以三條紅線等政策降溫, 於是地產開發商龍頭就這麼卡住了:
"Since 2008, it has needed ever more debt to deliver the same increment to economic output. Between 2008 and 2019, total debt—government, household and business—rose from 169% to 306% of gross domestic product, but GDP growth fell from 10% to 6%. Productivity growth adjusted for the expanding stock of buildings, machinery and other capital was 2.6% a year from 2000 to 2010. It has been negative since 2015, a sign of how inefficient much of that investment has been.
A few years ago Beijing recognized this model was unsustainable and has sought in fits and starts to shift to “higher quality” growth more dependent on consumers. That process was bound to be disruptive; indeed, it triggered a disorderly devaluation of the yuan in 2015, but it did succeed in slowing the buildup of debt.
Last year, to tide the economy through the pandemic, credit was loosened again. Yet Chinese officials see soaring housing prices as a threat to financial and social stability so they laid out a three-year timetable for lending to the red-hot property sector to be reined in. Just as the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate increases eventually popped the U.S. housing bubble over a decade ago, those regulatory restrictions, with a lag, popped China’s, said Gene Ma, head of China research at the Institute for International Finance. Evergrande was an early casualty since it is one of the most leveraged developers, he said."
WSJ這篇用圖表具體指出中國房市泡沫與恆大事件的規模: 前者是美國2005年房市泡沫的翻倍($847 billion v. $1.6 trillion), 後者的開發項目樓地板面積總和約相當於513棟帝國大廈.
"Analysts have generally indicated an Evergrande default wouldn’t spur a crisis of confidence like the one that followed the Lehman Brothers collapse. But Evergrande is the largest property developer in a Chinese real-estate bubble that has been expanding for years. Investment over the past decade in China’s residential-property market has dwarfed the U.S. housing bubble of the 2000s, at least in terms of its share of domestic economic output."
中國房市的危機點: 大城市以外的房地產仰賴泡沫支撐.
"But property construction in smaller cities ran well ahead of demand from prospective occupants for the last five years in China, leaving the market increasingly dependent on speculators and investors to buy properties, said Logan Wright, China markets research director at Rhodium Group, a research firm based in New York. About 21% of homes in urban China were already vacant in 2017, which equated to 65 million empty units, according to data from China Household Finance Survey."
? 結果在恆大之後爆的竟然是一間完全沒聽過的中國地產商...
[ 惠誉将花样年的评级从“B”调降至“CCC-”并警告称,该公司财务状况存在不确定性,面临无法在周一偿还2.08亿美元的一个更受瞩目的国际债券的“重大”风险。
不过,最初的警报是由媒体报道引发的,媒体报道称花样年错过了9月28日到期的一笔1亿美元款项支付,这笔款项本应支付给那些对私人债券行使所谓“看跌”期权的债券持有人。" ]
比較吃驚WSJ這麼快能抓出花樣年的資料來, 該不會把中國前一百大的地產商資料都備好了吧...
"When compared with Evergrande, Fantasia is significantly smaller in size. Its sales in the first nine months of 2021 ranked 73rd among its domestic peers, while Evergrande was in third place, according to a market report by research firm CricChina."
「野村預估,截至今年6月,中國開發商的債務已達5.2兆美元(約新台幣147.1兆)。最高比例為銀行貸款佔46%,債券市場則大約佔10%,包括相當於 2170億美元(約新台幣6.1兆)的美元債券,其中許多是垃圾債券。」
“The real-estate giants have borrowed not only from banks but also from shadow-banking outfits known as trust companies and from individuals who put their savings into investments called wealth-management products. Abroad, they became a mainstay of international junk-bond markets, offering juicy yields to get deals done.”
"Kaisa’s tumble takes its shares’ year-to-date losses to nearly 73% amid growing investor concerns about Chinese developers’ ability to refinance or repay billions of dollars in debt. Fitch and S&P Global Ratings both downgraded the already junk-rated Kaisa in October to CCC-plus, near the bottom of their ratings scales, citing refinancing risk."
報告只有85頁, 恆大部分在第65頁:
"Stresses in China’s real estate sector could strain the Chinese financial system, with
possible spillovers to the United States
In China, business and local government debt remain large; the financial sector’s leverage is
high, especially at small and medium-sized banks; and real estate valuations are stretched. In
this environment, the ongoing regulatory focus on leveraged institutions has the potential to
stress some highly indebted corporations, especially in the real estate sector, as exemplified by
the recent concerns around China Evergrande Group. Stresses could, in turn, propagate to
the Chinese financial system through spillovers to financial firms, a sudden correction of real
estate prices, or a reduction in investor risk appetite. Given the size of China’s economy and
financial system as well as its extensive trade linkages with the rest of the world, financial
stresses in China could strain global financial markets through a deterioration of risk sentiment, pose risks to global economic growth, and affect the United States."
"In total, Chinese junk borrowers have about $197 billion of dollar debt outstanding, Goldman Sachs analysts have estimated. That means the ICE BofA index covers a little more than half of that total debt, implying the full losses for investors are considerably larger."
"Including cash from bond interest payments, the index has generated a total return of minus 28% so far this year, putting it on course for its worst performance since 2008. But this year’s selloff is much bigger in dollar terms, affecting far more investors. The total face value of the ICE BofA Asian Dollar High Yield Corporate China Issuers Index was just $3.2 billion at the end of 2008."
"The central bank’s move, which came sooner than some economists expected, signals growing concern about an economy that is losing momentum, particularly because of the weakening property market, which accounts for about a quarter of China’s economic activities. Sales by China’s top 100 developers dropped for the fifth straight month in November, shedding 37.6% in value from a year earlier, according to China Real Estate Information Corp."
有些驚訝人行這麼快連兩波操作, 看來底層經濟情況確實不太妙?
[ Chinese leaders appear to realize that to implement additional painful reforms at this point risks cutting economic growth further—in a politically sensitive year when President Xi Jinping is widely expected to seek a third term in power. Thus, to ensure political stability, Chinese leaders are likely to put on hold new forms of tightening, as well as changes aimed at narrowing social inequalities.
“The chance for Beijing to launch new hawkish regulations is getting much less likely this year,” says Robin Xing, chief China economist at Morgan Stanley.
Many economists expect Beijing to set a growth target of at least 5% to help stabilize expectations ahead of the party congress, to be held sometime in the fall.]
"In face of downward economic pressure, China’s top economic planning agency, the National Development and Reform Commission, said Tuesday that Beijing is expediting the rollout of major infrastructure projects to counter uncertainties early in the year.
To some economists, the past two months’ rate cuts, while welcome, are still rather modest in scope when compared with the magnitude of the woes facing the economy.
In particular, the five-basis-point cut in the five-year loan prime rate was smaller than expected, a decision that economists at Citigroup said could reflect regulators’ reluctance to bail out the real-estate sector with more stimulus."
“ (1)除了少數受惠於國家政策支持和補貼的部門,中共經濟會繼續下滑。(2)房地產部門的問題國家沒有要積極介入的跡象,這會讓偏遠省分賣地收入大幅下降的地方政府很快開始接連出問題。(3)要道開始出現小規模的財政和金融危機後,中央政府才會在不得以下介入救援,但在缺乏全面的強力方案下,這只是延緩了大規模社會和政治動盪爆發的時間點。(4)一旦經濟不見好轉,人民史無前例的開始勇敢出來抗議政府的劣政,習近平很可能靠對外挑起衝突甚至發動戰爭來替自己解圍,時間點在2024年中左右。”
"In addition to the military promotions and party-charter amendment, China’s leadership excluded Liu Jieyi, director of China’s Taiwan Affairs Office, from the Communist Party’s new Central Committee lineup. Some analysts say that signaled a potential shift in Taiwan policy."
"【六都直轄市長候選人 】
"【非六都縣市長簽署 】
不分六都與非六都,政黨上,台灣基進參選 24人,24人全部簽署;政黨派系,民進黨湧言會參選26位議員,全部簽署,以下不做細項說明。
結論: 國民黨跟民眾黨就是投降黨,民眾黨的投降傾向比國民黨還高!
他並指出,BLOCK 1A與1B的差別,主要在於1B型增加了可見光/紅外線瞄準系統,可提升艦艇在遭到敵方攻船飛彈及其他飛彈攻擊時的反制作戰能力,及對其他空中目標與快艇等攻擊的反制戰力,以提升艦艇存活率。"
76快砲加裝STRALES套件,是將現役76快砲系統加裝並更換無線電射頻導引系統以及配套的射控系統,再增購快速飛行可控制的導向砲彈(Driven Ammunition Reduced Time of flight,簡稱DART),讓艦砲可以有效執行對水面、地面射擊,以及接戰低空慢速目標丶次音速反艦飛彈等空中目標。"
"新加坡「Rolls-Royce Solutions Asia Pte. Ltd.」原屬德國摩天宇(MTU)公司發動機子部門,該部門後於2014年由英國國防航太大廠勞斯萊斯(Rolls-Royce)收購,並更名為「勞斯萊斯動力系統」(Rolls-Royce Power System),而上述新加坡公司便為旗下亞洲地區的東南亞分部。
這家分公司同時提供軍、民用動力系統方案;軍用動力系統方面提供包含「MTU 20V 4000」型等柴油主機,此型號正是海軍「沱江級」巡邏艦搭載的動力主機,因而研判該案與沱江級艦後勤零附件相關。"
喔喔! 戰狼部的工作效率果然不是黨內互打才剛開槍的國民黨可以比的...
宏都拉斯跟台灣斷交後被影響到的養蝦業失業人口就足有諾魯人口十分之一了, 所以這個斷交對台灣很不痛不癢:
“諾魯持續就澳洲關閉諾魯難民處理中心(RPC)的巨額財政缺口及主辦2026年密克羅尼西亞運動會(Micronesian Games)田徑場工程經費及澳洲Bendigo銀行關閉諾魯分行等案向台灣索求鉅額經濟援助,並就台灣及中國提供的援助方案進行比價。”
如果諾魯跟台灣索價26億起跳, 那中國至少也要給等價的六億人民幣或八千萬鎂等於諾魯一年六成GDP給諾魯囉?
"As a nation with around 13,000 citizens and a gross domestic product of just $133.2 million a year, Nauru is nonetheless valuable to Beijing for its location, its support of deep sea mining and its vote at the United Nations.
南方蝦聯盟點名,Weihai Wendeng Xinghe Food、Yantai Longwin Food、Yantai Sanko Fisheries及the Chishan Group等8家中國海鮮出口商全都必須納入「防止強迫維吾爾人勞動法」實體清單。”
@Perfume 也沒錢再買更大的了