I had an idea for a new hash tag that would go beautifully with the QOTO mentality of bringing people with opposing views together. We can call it or for short.

It will be a day where you show the things you appreciate about the other side of the spectrum.

For example if your liberal then you post something you respect about conservatives, if your conservative you post something you respect about liberals.

Each person who wants to participate should try to post one or more a day and when you see someone post something complimenting a group you are in try to respond with a similar back at them!

I'd love to hear everyones thoughts, if you all like it I can try to kick it off.

@freemo Skeptics are alright to me, they are usually just not well informed, at least the ones I met. Even they'll admit the importance of having a healthy ecosystem thriving with life and providing us water, air and food anyway.

@freemo Yeah, but I still wouldn't know what's the opposite of environmentalist =D

@arteteco Well I think that is the closest to the opposite I can think of. People who dont think global warming and environmental damage is a big concern.

@freemo @arteteco

As long as the argument is about an understanding, or opinion based on agreed upon facts that would work.

That is the sticking point, though- Facts. You can argue interpretations of facts, but the facts will still remain facts.


If I put a stick in the ground, perpendicular to it, in 2 days a year at midday it will have no shadow.

I think a lot can be argued against how pure the experiment is, on the inductive reasoning of it, on the fallacies of simply relying on facts, on how theories distort facts and so on, but something remains, pure: the fact observed itself.

After agreeing upon that, we can work it out together.


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Your just picking opinions of facts most people tend to agree on. It's still an opinion of a fact. You could be crazy and everything might make sense in your head but in reality it is nonsense. There is always that chance no matter how certain a fact seems.


I can be crazy, and everything is a lie, but can I test it or prove it?

How to choose the best interpretation of what happens is a delicate philosophical matter, but I won't say that the most reasonable and sensible explanation for the fire burning me is that I am crazy, after so much testing.

I will not have the 100% certainty, but you don't need that in science or life, and you'll likely never have it anyway. When things approach a high enough level of possible truth and endure many attacks we treat them as facts, in science, in communication, as people in general. That is my understand of it, anyway.

@arteteco @freemo @Surasanji I don't see how it's in any way productive to disagree with others who don't share your priors. Good-faith disagreements in which both parties generally agree on the fundamentals, differ in their interpretation of the consequences, and are willing to learn from their disagreements? Great, I love it. But if someone disagrees with me and fundamentally disagrees on the realities of the world in which we live, there's nothing there to be gained for either of us. That's where we get into culture wars, where the only possible outcomes of any argument are victory or defeat.

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