meta trick
# Do some accounts flood your TL while others dry out? Here's a trick
Put your followees in lists that group them by their pace (= toots per unit of time). I use the numbers relative to my own pace. A pace of one means, I have the same. A pace of 50 means, for each of my post they post 50. Yes, those exist.
Here is the script I used to measure the pace:
@neauoire and @rek - They report their discoveries of making games, art, music, nutrition, software almost self-sufficiently on their sailing boat Pico somewhere on the pacific ocean. I like their style and the idea of having a self-made, unique software ecosystem.
@drazraeltod - German software developer and fpv drone pilot. I share his interest in the unusual, unexpected and lesser known.
@criticalmedia - A German podcast account of an audio-message driven, never-ending debate on society, media and politics.
@Welchering - A German public broadcast journalist (#DLF) and journalism mentor ranting on bad journalism and broken technology.
#maker #games #gamemaker #music #musicmaker #orca #100rabbits #pico #autarkie #selfsufficiency #drone #ff #podcast #society #politics #media #journalism #deutsch #deutschlandfunk #tech #technology
* Alle toots gibt es auch im RSS-Feed: Einfach .rss an die URL anhängen. Zum Beispiel
* Haben toots einen Audio-Anhang, werden sie zu Podcastfolgen! Und Tags können auch zu Podcasts werden! Beispiel: #Funkmast
@godlessmom I love AntennaPod.
Der #KänguruComic vom 17. November 2022
Folge 534: Unprätentiös
Q: Why are developers the worst at estimating?
A: The fractal dimension
#softwaredevelopment #development #estimates #waterfall #agile
Most toots in German.
#autodidact #Studying: @fedieltern, #mandarin, @soziologie
🫧: #luhmann #feditipps #trading #verwechselt #politik #dataviz #sankey #pixelart #botany #buchtipp #brettspiele #powermetal #followerpower #til #fyi #cmv #debate #python #nix