Does it mostly boil down to intro/extro-vert?
On another tack, I never post about myself, but I looove abstract, conceptual, or critical analysis posts.
@EubieDrew That was my initial thought, somewhat. Seems like more though, because I know a lot of extroverts that don't post a lot, and post only specific things , not always often @europrobe
@EubieDrew I don't post a lot. I don't even reply a lot, really. Most things that I would reply, people would take as me being hostile, so I try and refrain @europrobe
You can always reply to my posts safely; I almost never take contrary replies as hostile, even in politics. Most non-trolls are sincerely struggling to operate in good faith.
I guess I'm more of an introvert, thats true. But still I'm dissapointed with myself for not reaching out more. Which abstract and conceptual people do you follow?
I follow @mathlover and @absurdistwords
@europrobe That could be. Maybe you are just shy? I think that's a different discussion though - people's proclivity to post.