https://gup.pe ,Guppe不用#,而是像@其他用户一样,但Guppe会自动把你的嘟文分享到那个话题里。
1. 直接在搜索中输入
2. 关注它。
3. 在嘟嘟时打@[你想要的group名]@gup.pe,你的嘟文就会被分享到这个话题里。
除了cp必须打上# 的tag,其他大家随意打。
B站《后浪》话语逻辑分析 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/EUwCYi865DXtQ6WciZInOQ
写得真漂亮 另外其实题目就很明确了 后浪 到底还在前浪的河道里
@freemo @snow @design_RG @miguel31416 @arteteco
Yes, I promise this is a polite communication. Of course I care about STEM related topics and think that I can learn from them. I'm not sure which word suits me better, not professional but a enthusiast, I read Qoto's homepage and i think I followed the rules.
This people said that i shouldn't post these toots in this instance, but i don't agree with that becauce Qoto is "No hate, No censorship. Be kind, Be respectful".
I'm a Chinese native speaker so most of my toots are written in Mandarin. If there's something wrong with my toots, I want to know the exact reason.
20↑ | painting&chatter | 三国·🐯 | 日常废话EX | 中文/English ok
It's your life, do your thing.