So apparently the Japanese produced this sewing machine that had a slot for a Gameboy color and connected to it withrough the game slow. This would bring up an interface on the gameboy so that you can control the sewing machine with it.
This has got to be the most Japanese thing on the face of the planet.
It seems to me at the height of gameboy, all of them really, there was this idea that it was a general interface that was useful for almost anything, we just never really saw that much in america.
I've seen all sorts of stuff in this vein, for example there is a real fish radar finder that also uses the gameboy as a interface called gameboy sonar (picture attached)
Then there was the gameboy camera, which had the sole purpose of taking and sharing pictures... if you can call 4bit grayscale a "picture" :)
There was even a gameboy printer.
Also as another user pointed out ( @penny ) there is the gameboy loom.
All pictures attached.
I am sure there are many more devices in this vein that I havent thought of yet.. but yea, this is a thing.
@freemo @lucifargundam @penny @General In retrospect, I think the extra screen they added to the successor, the #DS, was unnecessary. I almost wish I coulda gotten a #GameBoyAdvance and played #DS games on it
While I like it I do agree it isnt necessary.. but some games like final fantasy did make good use of it, so I'd keep it :)
@freemo @realcaseyrollins @penny @General
Didn't the DS drawing games utilize the dual screens sufficiently?
Often times the second screen was a bit like a hud in many games providing you with stats and menu access leaving the main screen for the gameplay.. I really liked that. Final fantasy used the second screen as a always up map and I thought that was super useful.