Jesus was actually born sometime in October. The 25th December is not the actual day of his birth. We know the time of his death.

@posrev We dont even know if he existed, let alone have "real" dates... that said what historic source do you feel would dictate an october date?

The Bible says he existed by the testaments of many witnesses. But you have to have faith and touched by the holy spirit helps.

@posrev Sure, I have no issue with your faith in his existence. But again where does the bible or any historic source claim he was born in October? Where did you get that notion from?

It was not yet winter.
"There were also in the same region shepherds living out of doors and keeping watch in the night over their flocks." Luke 2:8

@posrev How does that narrow down the date? Israel has fairly warm winters and even if it didnt that could easily describe any of the other 3 seasons

It does'nt. it is not recorded in The Bible the day he was born. But many people believe it was not the 25th December. There is no proof he was born on the Christmas day

@posrev No argument there, there is no biblical or historical reason to think if he existed his birthday was dec 25th, on that we agree.

The part I disagree is any suggestion that the bible or any historical source explicitly gives a date, month, or season for his birthdate.

BTW the temperature in Bethlehem in December is around 60 degrees F, so more than warm enough.

It was autumn (fall) when Jesus was born. I will have to find the scripture.

@posrev A quick search suggests there is no context in the bible for a date other than the star of bethleham which would suggest a date in spring based on the theory that it was a comet known to show around that time period.

He was born in Bethlehem. So it must have been autumn (fall)

@posrev Im not sure i follow. Why must it be fall if he was born in Bethlehem?

The animals were still outside as it was still not too cold. Jesus was born in a stable for animals as the hotel was full. The three wise men followed the star to find Jesus

@posrev In 60 degree weather (the norm for Bethlehem in December) you'd expect animals to be outside and mary to be comfortable in a manger. 60 isnt that cold.

I don't think most woman would like to give birth in a barn 😎

@posrev this is true, but thats true any time of the year really :)

Whether you believe what is in The Bible is true or not. You've got to admit it's an amazing story

@posrev I find all the holy texts, the bible, torah, qua'ran, Libri Quinti Mysterium, and the countless others to all be valuable and interesting reads. No doubt.

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