I dont know who needs to hear this, but Allah is just the arabic word for god. Egyptians speak arabic, so Egyptian christians refer to god as allah. Likewise when most musslims talk about god in english thry refer to him as God not Allah.
This is important to emphasize the fallacy in people claiming that christians and musslims worship different gods, its the same god and the same core is at the center of both religions.
Ba'al doesnt mean god, it translates to "Lord" or "Owner".
But in sone respects it is besides the point, ot at least not the whole point. The more important part that demonstrates both religions worship the same god is that both religions are extentions of jeudaism and both religions use the jewish torah (the old testament) as part of their religious texts. So clearly its the same god if they both use the same texts which define the origin / creation of the world by the same entity.
@freemo I don't like getting into religion but isn't a Christian God different than Muslim God, when it comes to forgiveness or something.
I thonk its fair to say that both religion has different opinions about what god is like. But they are both attempting to describe the same god and agree on like 90% of his characteristics overall.
@freemo I understand believing in a God and respect it but I like the belief of you controlling your life and others effect it but don't have almighty control over it. Whays your opinion on Gods and religions
@freemo They're indeed worshipping the same god. Just applied different rules to it as time passes. It shows to me how silly religions and religious wars are, really.
Btw, it's muslim, not musslim.
No is musslim its a contraction of mus slim. Mus itself being short for Muslim slim, which was muhamed's street name.
@freemo If it's a contraction, it should be a few letters less (just like 'they are' -> "they're").
You probably meant to say mus'im.
@trinsec sorry its a concatenation, not a contraction :)
@freemo Too late!
And ... I understand that "Islam" means "The Faith" and "Muslim" means "Believer"
@freemo Jewish people also follow the same deity, Yahweh. (As opposed to, say, Thor, or the Hindu Vishna, Brahma, etc). Effectively they are different sects or branches of the same religion.
@sgryphon yup, same god, some minor differences in opinion mostly but same basic idea.
@freemo Isn't that besides the point? Baal also means god, but good luck having anyone agree that that's the same as the Christian god.