Sure, #AI #LLMs are "next word predictors", but to do so optimally you need to model the entire process that produces those words. This involves not only language, but also human reasoning, physics, history, economics, politics, etc. In essence predicting the next word optimally, based on a data set generated by human brains, is the same as simulating the human #brain.
Taken from:
Hello Friends, my current contract role wraps up at the end of January, so I am looking to get #FediHired FT or PT in the arena of Internet of Things #IoT , Embedded Systems, and Making Friends With The Robot Overlords When They Were Babies.
I have an electronics and advanced manufacturing lab in Brisbane, so am ideally placed to assist businesses who need a "hardware wizard on retainer".
#Trump on Tuesday granted a #pardon to #RossUlbricht, the creator of the #SilkRoad drug marketplace & a cult hero in the #cryptocurrency & #libertarian worlds.
In doing so, Trump fulfilled a promise that he made repeatedly on the campaign trail as he courted political contributions from the #crypto industry, which spent >$100M to #influence the outcome of the election.
#criminal #law #Felon47 #broligarchy #techbros #kleptocracy #MafiaState
I can sympathise with new game masters who feel diffident about running their first rpg sessions for grownups who may know about rpgs. Myself, I prepared for my first session by playing a single one-on-one sesh with an inexperienced 14-y-o GM. Then I GMed the same scenario for three 12-y-os who had never heard of rpgs before. We were #ttrpg natives. I was 11 or 12. It was in 1984.
#mermaid is the winner for most diagraming, especially inbuilt support in tools like Azure DevOps -- except for C4 diagrams where I still use #PlantUML.
From DanDoesCode: "Mermaid will be fine for most of your needs, but for anything more complex or for doing C4 models, I would fall back to PlantUML. Overall Winner: Mermaid"
If you ever want to do some challenging and enlightening cybersecurity work, go work for one of the big, self-regulating vice industries with a lot of money. Casinos. Porn websites. Online betting. You might have a hell of a lot of ethical quandaries, but you won't ever be bored. The house usually wins. They have a lot of old and new mechanisms to protect their interests and monitor their clientele.
Interesting development, Lord of the Rings, which already has it's own highly rated #OneRing RPG, has just released a #DnD 5th edition adaption on Beyond.
The GIMP, the popular open-source Photoshop alternative just released GIMP 3 RC1.
GIMP 3 is a release that's been 20 years in the making!
One of the TorchLite bits that I'm most proud of is that you can make a character by picking three items off of three lists. Hard to get more rules Lite than that!
If you wanna see those three lists, check out the teaser at
Also worth mentioning: there's a chunky sneak peek with even more character creation options available to patreon subscribers today...
Waymo now does 100,000 driverless taxi rides per week.
Funny how I still see people claiming the technology is not viable, will never happen, or is impossible -- sorry, but too late: reality (it already happens) trumps your opinion!
you are asking what features the new ActivityPub plugin version has?
thanks for asking!
* Support for post visibility - you can choose between "public", "only followers" and "no federation".
* Attribution-Domains - that should fix the fediverse:creator issues, if you had issues
* Improved compatibility with caching plugins
This is your reminder...
There is no algorithm that brings posts to your timeline. The only posts you will see under your Home tab will be either people that you follow, or the boosts from people that you follow.
If you read something that is interesting, funny, thought provoking, news worthy, or beautiful, then BOOST IT.
Hitting "Favorite" lets the poster know that you liked it BUT IT DOESN'T LET ANYONE ELSE KNOW.
Keep Mastodon alive. BOOST.
#ArsMagica #ttrpg, famed for it's flexible magic system and troupe-style play, has launched their definitive edition crowd funding on #backerkit. Although the overall system is a bit clunky, the magic rules for casting freeform spells are great, and I try to play the game at conventions, etc, whenever I get a chance.
And, as part of their stretch goals (which they have already reached a bunch), they are releasing the game text under #OpenSource #CreativeCommons licencing, joining a bunch of other great open games (#Fate, #DungeonWorld, #BladesInTheDark #bitd, #Gumshoe, #EclipsePhase,#Ironsworn, and -- of course -- #DungeonsAndDragons #dnd).
At the Organized Play Foundation, our mission is to cultivate a vibrant global community united by the transformative power of play.
Whether you're a creator, industry expert, volunteer, or devoted gamer, we're eager to join forces with gamers from all corners of the globe. Together, let's amplify the mission of the Organized Play Foundation, creating an inclusive community where games become the bridge that unites us.
Interested? Email
Hey Penpot community!
We’re constantly working to improve Penpot and make it the best tool for your design needs, and we want your input!
We’ve put together a list of the top 10 issues and feature requests that have come up frequently, but we’d love to hear from you too:
GREAT change is approaching. NIST will standardise prohibition of requirement of composing passwords from various character styles, and requirement for periodic password changes. These are harmful and obsolete rules. Now they will be treated as a cybersecurity weakness
BrowserPub: A browser for exploring #ActivityPub and the ⁂fediverse
Lead Consultant @Telstra, doing Internet-of-Things (#IoT), #dotnet, #blockchain, #DevSecOps. Certified Azure IoT Developer, MCSD: ALM, #PRINCE2, Scrum. Tabletop gamer.