Probing the #PinePhone #LoRa Backplate ... Will this work? 🤔
Probing the #PinePhone #LoRa Backplate ... With Bus Pirate and #Pinebook Pro ... Seems to be responding on I2C? 🤔
Bus Pirate says that #PinePhone #LoRa Backplate is at I2C Address 0x00 ... But it should be 0x28 instead 🤔
Bus Pirate reading from #PinePhone #LoRa Backplate at I2C Address 0x28 ... Nope no response 🤔
Same thing happens when we probe the Breakout Board for #LoRa Backplate 😭
Why won't the #LoRa Backplate respond to "i2cdetect" on #PinePhone? 🤔
@lupyuen This makes me very uncomfortable!
@lupyuen this is what I was going to suggest, but the putty farther down. In fact. if you put it so far down only a mm or so of the wire leads produce from the bottom it should be able to rest on top comfortably. A low center of gravity plus less wire length so less bending I think should do the trick.
Honestly I'm surprised you dont just have a 2x row header you could use instead.
@freemo Thanks! Lemme try that
@lupyuen the key will getting them spaced just right in the clay I think.. but if you do without much showing I think it might work nicely. Good luck.
@lupyuen Blu Tack trick 🧐
@lupyuen I would solder bare thin wires (copper strands) to the pads, snip them off at a few millimetres, then use ez hooks to connect.
@modrobert Yep that should work 👍
@lupyuen @modrobert Yes, and I even loop the thin wire back to the pad, so that the hook can't slid off. If pad is too tiny, then loop back the end and solder to itself.
#LoRa Backplate for #PinePhone @PINE64 is ingenious! Semtech SX1262 with an I2C-To-SPI Bridge (ATtiny84)