Weighted all the cats today and the kids(7 months old each) weigh 13 lbs and 10 lbs. Nothing less expected from the gluttonous one. I felt the mom cat lost weight when picking up her to weight and she only weighs 9 lbs. With her hiding all day, not peeing, eating or drinking water, this’s not going to be good for her health. I hope she at least makes afford to come into terms with my brother instead of hiding from early morning to late evening punctually.
13 days to wait. Can’t come soon enough!!! 😭 #stardewvalley https://qoto.org/media/YPCg7gRIjoYz7OMhIAY
A work in progress #textadventure #rpg I’m enjoying lately. Every playthrough I find new content. I haven’t built an army big enough to defeat enemy’s army yet. The fastest route to kill the enemy lord as a woman is marry him and poison him or slash his neck. No idea about a male mc. I tolerated the temple and was kind enough to renovate their temple twice but they became enemies with me after I excused buggery, refused genderless child to be sent to the head temple, and allowed people to sell religious artifacts freely. They can go fuck off themselves. I’ve found a way to make a new religion anyway.
The War for the West (WIP) https://forum.choiceofgames.com/t/the-war-for-the-west-wip/26275
Wish #DokiDokiLiteratureClub got ported to mobile
I was playing #hatofulboyfriend and pretty much bored by it but can’t seem to reach the second part of the game. So far dated two birdies, fixed the relationship between two bird lovers and got killed once by a bird gang because I wasn’t close to anybirdie. Is that the death everyone speak of or do I need another death? Anyways I’m pretty much unmotivated to continue playing the game. Do I need to date all birds first to get killed?