@SwetaBioX Welcome to QOTO Sweta! You'll like the community here.
I mostly work with #RStats , also trying to learn #Julia. What are the resources you're following?
Also, a fellow coffee addict! 😄
@SwetaBioX My domain is mainly Operations Research/ Mathematical Modelling.
#Julia has a very robust ecosystem for that, so trying to learn that.
@shibaprasad That's awesome! I have a masters in #math and #computing, and mathematical modeling was one of my favorites!
@SwetaBioX Aah great. My Background is Mechanical and then OR but later realised should have gone for Math.
Are you from India/Bengal?
@shibaprasad Yep! I'm from Bengal. 😀
@SwetaBioX Bah. Besh. 😃
@shibaprasad Thanks! I am mainly following the #Julia documentation right now. What is your domain of work using #RStats?
Also, yayy to #coffee! 😀