Uhm... I'm back to the #fediverse!
Poor Fediverse! 🤣
@Shamar Welcome back, we all missed you!
Whats new with you?
@Shamar Ugh, that reminds me of the time when I was trying to work within the Polish Pirate Party. Most of the people were nice and had good ideas (duh), but one guy in particular was very disruptive to any constructive work. Add to that problems with being a really small party, so the biggest portion of our workhours went towards maintenance stuff, and I eventually gave up and left.
Saddest part to me is that the disruptive guy was possibly the most enthusiastic about the party, but his extremely cynical worldview make him argue for very strange ideas about how to run the party. They kept not working, and no one had any time left to pursue other ideas, so it was a mess. :/