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@Quinn glad I am not dating at this point on my life. Is that really a FB screen? It doesn't look as finished as most of their stuff? I guess you could just take all the meetings, and then query bout body parts or chromosomes to be sure. I just looked. I searched for someone I know has a gab address. I can see the account, and I can see the person's toots. There is nothing recent enough to see it in my local feed, and my notifications have been cleared. But I am pretty sure it is fine. I think the only thing Tusky does is rickroll you if you try to use it to log into the gab instance. So unless you have a handle on a gab it shouldn't be a problem.

honestly, it's hard to go from google calendar to nextcloud calendar. anyone knows smooth online floss (self-hosted?) calendar one could use with caldav/nextcloud?

cc @switchingsocial ?

@alex I have yet to piss too many folks off enough to block me, except for amber yesterday and person that complained about their weight that I suggested having their thyroid checked, who got all pissed because they were recovering from an eating disorder. :) Live and learn, my bad :)

Possible Offensive Topics and Length 

@alex @mk @FemaleXyz

Please forgive me in advance if some amount of privilege sneaks through and oozes out the sides somewhere.

Okay, before today I kind of thought I was pretty woke, progressive, accepting, inclusive and reasonable individual.

When my daughter was around 15 it would appear that every girl in her class was a lesbian. As well the vast majority of the boys were claiming to be bi. One of her friends "came out" to her folks and was essentially disowned and kicked out of her house. I sat my daughter down and explained to her that I loved her and if the situation were to be such that she was a lesbian, I hope she would be the best possible lesbian she could be. I also explained to her the actual population percentages and the unlikelihood that every lesbian in our city all were in her class. :)

This situation all ironed itself out and as time went on the percentages much more closely resembled reality.

Now I have personally known, worked with and interacted with persons of all sorts of sexual orientations and choices. And I mean all sorts. I have never had any issue with being able to communicate about all sorts of topics. I have been a huge advocate for SSC, GGG, NGNL, LaLL, and all those other fun acronyms. :)

So I did my best to wrap my head around an explanation of a person's particular lot in life. This person, is an XY genetic male, Wishing to use PgPs of the feminine variety, and wants to be referred to as a girl. I could SMH a bit, but still I am okay. I ask some questions. The person does not dress as a girl. The person does not take any hormones or hormone suppressive therapy, nor has any intent to remove or reassign genitalia. I would venture to say, if I were to address this person on the street, I would have no clue whatsoever of the female choice.

Then here is the kicker. Hse goes on to explain that hse has a girlfriend with which they share a lesbian relationship.

There are some things coming to mind that at best would be crass, so I will hold my tongue. But try as I may, I can't wrap my head around what this all means.

I have no problem addressing any person as they wish to be. I have no judgement as to who they wish to love. And honestly the mechanics of which are none of my business.

I honestly want to be a person that is open minded, fair and accepting. But I can't see this as anything other than someone just hurting .... not a rational lifestyle choice or orientation or whatever the proper term might be.

@Amber @Absinthe "You should do violence against fascists, but I don't know who the fascists are."

Wew, lads.

":gadsen: is white-supremacist."

What the Gadsden flag represents is closer to fighting oppression than any :ancom: BS flag was. :gadsen: is literally a representation of resistance to tyranny.

Vim Window Commands have ex alternatives.

For example <C-w>o closes all other windows and keeps the current one. But you can do the same with :only

This is awesome and you can use the :help to find others.

However things like <C-w>J/K/L/M etc don't have such commands, what then? Well, that's where :wincmd comes in. It is the equivalent to <C-w> so you can use it instead so try :wincmd J or any of the other <C-w> commands...

Did you know you should always take an extra pair of pants golfing? Just in case you get a hole in one.

The Internet: #Debian is boring to use because its not rolling release

Me: Good. I like boring.

@Absinthe @alex Yes we have a discourse server. No sadly discourse doesnt federate however there has been talk about writing a plugin for it that does. Since it is the most likely service to federate int he future and the easiest one to hack to make it federate it is usually what we and other instances in the fediverse use.

Oh, yeah, on that line right above the free(ptr); second from the bottom... That is where you might want to do something with ptr :) Sorry, I meant to put that in there.

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/* If you are going to use realloc, don't make this common mistake! */


int main (void) {

size_t size = 16;

char * ptr = malloc(size);

size = 32;

/* This is wrong!

ptr = realloc(ptr, size);

ptr is allocated. If this call fails ptr will be set to NULL, and
the allocated memory will not be freed.

char * tmp_ptr = realloc(ptr, size);
if (NULL != tmp_ptr) {
ptr = tmp_ptr;
} else {
/* This is the error case */
ptr = NULL;


Cute little trick for gcc or clang users: (run valgrind on it afterwards)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

void raii_char_free(char **);

#define raii_char_pointer char * __attribute__ ((__cleanup__(raii_char_free)))

#ifdef __cplusplus

void raii_char_free(char **p) {

int main (void) {
raii_char_pointer ptr = strdup("abcdefg");
printf("%s\n", ptr);
return 0;

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