@matrix literal zoomer
@icedquinn @roboneko
>patent submitted in 2002 in the age of CRTs as a theoretical possibility
I don't think we have anything to worry about lol
@roboneko @icedquinn nonexistent I assume, no circuits in monitors capable of enough precision are capable of carrying enough current to be able to do it.
Though now I'm also curious.
How are shoe sizes not yet standardized to some sensible units? I'd understand if it was just the US being behind on QoL as always, but even Europe has some weird-ass system.
> The US shoe sizes are based off of barleycorns, which are roughly 1/3 of an inch (around 8.47mm). European shoe sizes rely on Paris points, which equate to 2/3 of a centimeter (or 6.67mm).
Jesus Christ
@coolboymew @Moon @olmitch you could also check `$WAYLAND_DISPLAY` to make sure if you're currently using wayland, since wayland with XWayland support will also declare a `$DISPLAY`.
Also segfault lol, stinks of shared library version mismatch.
@Moon when I was in high school, it was a complex made of 2 different schools, a humanities high school and IT/CS technical school. The former was like 90% girls, the latter had literally one girl.
Funny part? Somehow all of them were hella ugly except for one. The technical girl.
@icedquinn lol according to 1d4chan yeah
> They also attempted to defend governing something as simple as urination with a formula as complex as d100 + Urination Skill Points + (average of Health and Hand-Eye Coordination skill modifiers) +/- ("Time Since Last Urination vs. Ounces Drunk" modifier), without even attempting to justify why urinating is a skill that exists.
@icedquinn didn't FATAL famously use a bunch of d100 rolls to calculate its insane mechanics?
@icedquinn thanks for reminding me how much I love NixOS's store functionality allowing packages to have independent dependencies. Program A requires earlier version of LLVM but program B a later one? Sure, here you go, two LLVMs and everyone sees the one they like.
Pretty sure that effort-wise I got full return on investment in the first few days after installing. Literally never had dependency issues for the past ~2 years of using it.
@coolboymew I've seen a story (I think in Derek Lowe's In the Pipeline blog) where during research on the effects of caffeine on muscle performance an intern made an oopsie by weighing out two orders of magnitude more caffeine than was prescribed. Apparently no alarm bells went off in his head while preparing a decent pile of the stuff. The unfortunate athlete test subjects spent ~a month in hospital and left much, much leaner.
@VD15 also I didn't have to follow any thread, using Brave with its built-in adblocker and Enhancer for YouTube (which I use mostly for automatic quality selection and volume boost) I've not had problems worse than "You appear to be offline" in place of a video, which a refresh fixes. I'm not even sure which one of them goes around YT's anti-adblock so well and I don't care to find out.
Google in shambles.
death to all websites that display 50000 different in-page pop-ups just to be annoying as fuck
no, i do not consent to your tracking cookies;
no, i do not want to sign up for your newsletter;
no, i will not disable my malware/adblocker;
i don’t give a damn that you changed your “privacy” policy, this is the first time i viewed opened your website anyway;
i don’t care if this site looks better in the app, fix your fucking website then;
oh, i need chrome to view this page? what year are we in, 2000?;
i no longer want to read the full article if it means i have to create account;
and no, i do not want to sign in with my nonexistent google account either
for fucks sake
@VD15 thanks, now I know to postpone updating KDE lol
@fribbledom “Everyone knows that debugging is twice as hard as writing a program in the first place. So if you're as clever as you can be when you write it, how will you ever debug it?” – Brian W. Kernighan
I generally try to stay at least a stick's length away from front-end development since everything it touches turns to cancer. So it was today that I learned that TypeScript doesn't even support ignoring a specific error. You know, the feature that's been standard for the past ~30 years in every sensible compiler and linter.
Reason given by Microsoft? "Error codes do not add to expressiveness in a position like such." I'm sure ignoring everything to silence an unknown error is much more expressive.
@freemo @jasonetheridge it would be a beautiful world if meritocracy worked. Problem is, it doesn't. A test is likely to only make things worse since whoever gets into power will try to manipulate the test to favour their voters. Surely not a better solution than mandatory.
Besides, with a $20 penalty it's more of "encouraged" than "mandatory" lol. Just gives a reason to get off their asses and do their sole democratic obligation.
@freemo @jasonetheridge the thing is that it's not the well educated that want to vote the most. It's the radicals and overall maniacs, the people convinced The Bads are out to get them and they need to vote for The Goods no matter what. The less someone is fanatic about a party the less motivation they have to vote. It's like a variant of Dunning-Kruger, except on country-wide scale.
We had this problem in Poland for the past two elections. A shitty populist, conservative catholic and nationalistic party was doing more damage to our country over the past 8 years than any other government before it since the fall of socialism combined. (Including their previous ruling period many years ago.) We're talking nearly Hungary level of taking over all branches of government and media and shitting all over the legal system and public institutions. Because the "normal" people stayed at homes while the fanatic and plain stupid who believed their fear mongering and were getting bribed with their own money voted. We just this weekend had (hopefully, right now we just have exit polls results) a revolutionary election where they finally don't have a majority. Because the voter turnout was much higher then previously, because the people who up until now didn't bother to vote finally got fed up and showed up in droves to vote for the opposition.
It's beautiful, but it's sad that they needed that bad of a situation to finally do it. If we had mandatory voting, that shitshow might've never taken place.
@wonziu dzięki, akurat szukałem <3
Software developer, open-source enthusiast, wannabe software architect. I like learning and comparing different technologies. Also general STEM nerd.