@noyoushutthefuckupdad spitting facts. It's fair to ridicule gen5 designs compared to previous 3 gens, at that point they should've known better, but people saying "gen5 is so much worse than muh beloved original 151" are blinded by nostalgia, these were just as bad or worse.
@mangeurdenuage @coolboymew and I assure you, you can find a lot of quack doctors that seem professional but push homeopathy. You have to dig very deep in the altmed cesspool to find something so ridiculous that this won't apply. It's basically a constant of society, wherever there's sickness there's altmed and wherever there's altmed there's quack doctors pushing it.
@mangeurdenuage @coolboymew I don't see where any of this is putting words in your mouth. I have a general idea what "leaky gut" is about, it's about the same things as most other popular altmeds – claiming a nonsensical process (leaky gut lol, if it was actually leaky you'd be dying of sepsis) as guilty for a whole bunch of vague food-related issues in a way where you can blame any random thing on it and feel reassured when either pure placebo or coincidentally switching to a diet that's healthier for other reasons helps.
Homeopathy is similar, the core is obviously nonsense but if you do believe it and experience the placebo effects you can talk all about how it matches your knowledge about how medicine works and your experiences. It's more obvious (water memory lol), but that's about it, the modus operandi is the same.
@fluffy started up, got annoyed at lack of cross-play between PC Steam and PC ms store, laughed at how it seems to rip off BotW much more than pokemon, beat up some random pink cat with my fists, pretty good.
Apparently you can catch the introduction lady by the campfire in a ball and sell her to merchants. (She has a gun so I didn't try yet lol.) I'm 100% sure modders are already working on degenerate alternatives.
Overall my first impressions are mixed but mostly good. The keyboard&mouse controls suck though, the menus feel like a very bad console port. I'm about to move it to my docked Deck and try playing it from the couch, will probably be better.
@Aranjedeath @foone I had the reverse experience, tried Gentoo after Arch and was pleasantly surprised lol
@foone I tried arch back in the day. I was impressed that it managed to be worse than Gentoo.
I think the arch install guide may have been written by that guy who wrote the bomb defusal manual used on M*A*S*H.
"remove the tail assembly, and carefully cut the wires leading to the clockwork fuse at the head"
*next page*
"but first, remove the fuse"
@mangeurdenuage @coolboymew yeah, and they're as convinced that it's legitimate micro-biology as you are about the leaky gut thing. Altmeds are sneaky.
@mangeurdenuage @coolboymew it's about as much micro-biology as the living blood droplet analysis under microscope people that point out random things and claim they're hostile bacteria or fungi. Both try to resemble actual micro-biology but would be massively worse problems than the typical for altmed superposition of quite bad and fixable by diet and supplements, were they true.
@mangeurdenuage @coolboymew IIRC "leaky gut" is 100% bullshit, homeopathy-tier altmed.
@coolboymew @eee @mangeurdenuage @noyoushutthefuckupdad I mean if you get the source code of the game and the compiled bundle with assets and what you want is to modify the game you can just leave the asset management code mostly intact. It doesn't matter if you can easily access them, the game can easily access them or else it wouldn't work.
omfg so i went through like an hour-long phone-call with a support person to set up my service; and after all that, I go to log in online for the first time …
… … … and it won't let me login until I "fix" my "broken" name.
@ELLIOTTCABLE A million years ago in the dial-up BBS days there were certain systems that refused my last name “Farley” Eventually figured out the cause was trolls who would log in as “Chuck U. Farley” Due to sysops sharing block lists this problem followed me around on certain brands of BBS for a while.
@hrysku @eniuu @polamatysiak przegrzanie reaktora mają na koncie Japończycy położeni na Pacyficznym Pierścieniu Ognia, doświadczający ciągłe trzęsienia ziemi i tsunami i posiadający wtedy podobno 44 elektrownie atomowe a nie Polska położona pośrodku Europy i posiadająca 0 elektrowni atomowych? Kto by pomyślał.
Chodzi przede wszystkim o kulturę prowadzenia przedsiębiorstw. Japońskie firmy są znane raczej z robienia solidnej roboty i przestrzegania przepisów, Polskie spółki państwowe są znane z bycia okazjonalnie śmiesznym cyrkiem i zatruwania Odry. Jeśli kapitalizm ma na to jakiś wpływ, to nie w tę stronę, w którą byś chciał.
A Ukraina ma niejako na koncie Czarnobyl, może przez to podchodzą tam do sprawy elektrowni atomowych poważniej.
Crazy read: detecting positions of players in Counterstrike by *listening to their GPU over a microphone*
@hrysku @eniuu @polamatysiak to trochę jakbyś się pytał… czemu polskie spółki państwowe miałyby się trzymać ekspertyz lepiej niż japońskie firmy, nawet nie mam na to dobrego porównania. Czemu Słońce miałoby być jaśniejsze od Księżyca?
@hrysku @eniuu @polamatysiak jestem za elektrownią, ale jeśli myślisz że polskie spółki skarbu państwa będą lepiej się trzymały ekspertyz i dmuchania na zimne niż ta zła kapitalistyczna spółka w Fukuszimie to ja chcę portal do twojej alternatywnej rzeczywistości xD
Software developer, open-source enthusiast, wannabe software architect. I like learning and comparing different technologies. Also general STEM nerd.