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@karlauerbach people who don't renew domain names due to becoming disinterested, old or dead won't also sustain the servers. The only thing the lack of "ICANN's utterly stupid domain name renewal system" would cause would be a constantly growing mountain of corpses of good domains forever pointing to dead servers or IP addresses that changed hands since, while everyone else uses domains like `domain-name-not-really-this-time927843872.some-other-subdomain.weirdass-tld` which are the ones that actually aren't as scarce as good domain names.

@mirabilos @icon_of_computational_sin @js @bentsukun for the love of all that is holy, please stop with "better the devil you know", it's because of that attitude the *nix community is stuck with supporting ancient tools when with what we learned since their age we could move to much better ones.

I don't like Apple for a lot of reasons, but there is something about them I respect: when a tool needs to be cut off from life support, they do it. They say "no, fuck you, starting from MacOS x python2 / bash / whatever else won't be installed by default and supported by the OS, you can install them if you so wish, but anything you want to work on every OS install will need to move to the current century, thanks in advance". And it works, and after a brief period of catching up everything is nicer, faster and overall more based. Meanwhile you try to propose moving away from a tool so old it could've now had grand-grandkids were it a human in the *nix space and you're met with an impassable wall of screeching from people who knew nothing better their whole life and don't intend on changing it.

Software is moving extremely fast, in a decade we learn lessons and achieve things that allow us to make tools that the devs 30 years ago would've sacrificed both arms for. We need to use that power, or be doomed to still struggle with shit like autoconf in 2050.

@freemo @trinsec she was an eldritch monstrosity escaping human understanding, with `x = x + 1` number of breasts?

@admitsWrongIfProven @Hyolobrika @cy both are true, it doesn't work because of human nature. You're right about something being destroyed by people purporting to be with the thing not necessarily meaning it doesn't work. But in this case it's a failure to stop aggression between groups, something that is famously a huge vulnerability in any anarchist setting and does in fact prove they're incapable of solving the problem of one group choosing not to play nice. History generally call such good faith based communities "invaded", "occupied" and various forms of "victims", "losers" and "fallen"

@cy also while I'm not directly connected to the community or the particular cases, I know from friends who are that the issue wasn't as simple as "bad state propaganda caused one group to go rogue" which is what anarchist outlets like to push since it makes them look better. From what I remember it was mostly a case of a single malicious actor abusing the trust and hospitality of Syrena, and when they finally got kicked out, going to the other squat, whatever it was called, spreading lies and firing them up against them. Since it's anarchists we're talking about, they took things in their hands and attacked them instead of trying to resolve it in a civilised manner.

Also since it's anarchists we're talking about, as a punishment they, quoting the official statement you linked,
> feel that we will not be able to cooperate or support the people who actively participated in the escalation of this situation and who attacked the Siren on December 5. This can only take place when these people voluntarily submit to the remedial process, bearing at the same time the full consequences of their behavior expressed in such a process.

I'm sure the perpetrators are very sad about this and will in fact personally show up to get punished out of their good will.

@cy yeah they condemn the action, waving a finger is known to work very well at punishing the attackers and dissuading future attacks. If only they had some form of democratically governed force dedicated to actually stopping and punishing attacks of aggressive groups…

@mir they're worse, more like taking the worst parts from Apple, Microsoft and Sony.

@avlcharlie @freemo they're the same picture, any attempt at the first results in the second.

@cy @admitsWrongIfProven @Hyolobrika a year or so ago in Warsaw one anarchist squat got invaded by another anarchist squat and kicked out of their place. Anarchy doesn't work even between small groups consisting entirely of the minority of people believing in and willing to support anarchy.

Amikke boosted

my new burger restaurant concept is inspired by modern software. the options for mayo are "yes" and "maybe later", and if you pick maybe later, the chef stands at your table with a squeezy bottle, threatening to add mayo to your burger when you least expect it

@74 (razem, L) to piękne podsumowanie po postach że będzie druga tura Trzasek-Biejat XD

@freemo seeing an issue from both sides doesn't mean agreeing with either. I can understand why in the west there's a community of contrarian edgelords cheering for russia in the ru-ua war, doesn't mean it's not fucking stupid.

Meanwhile people creating comics like these take the religious approach "the other side is evil and don't even try to understand them or we'll accuse you of being on their side".

@nixCraft this is awesome, but it corrupted my btrfs partition a few years ago. I hope it's fixed by now and since I have frequent backups I'd use it if I was still using Windows, but still, keep that in mind.

Amikke boosted
Amikke boosted

I completed all four digits for my clock! It runs surprisingly smooth. The transition from 23:59 to 0 moves the most parts, so I expect that to have the most friction.

Amikke boosted

:siren: BREAKING NEWS :siren:  

Meta Platforms Inc. has announced it has purchased the competing social media giant, Mastodon LLC with plans to rebrand the eponymous 'Mastodon Network' into a wider 'Threadiverse'

This move comes as a shock both to shareholders and existing users. When asked for comment on the acquisition, Mastodon founder and CEO, John Mastodon was quoted as saying "OH GOD, I'M GONNA MASTADOOOOON!"

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