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@nixCraft yes, I'm sure OpenAI would be treated the same if it just allowed people to download its training material for free, these cases are exactly the same.

Amikke boosted

I have done The Thing.

I have ported #systemd to #musl. Properly. Passing all tests, properly. Booting my 2012 Ivy Bridge in 3.2 seconds, properly.

I'm aware of how unpopular this will be in some circles. But change does not happen without competition, and musl environments deserve more than what they have right now. systemd isn't a panacea, it isn't even that great, but it's here, it solves real issues people have, and it's now an option. Not a requirement, but an option.

@mikoto there's one port to an EFI executable, which can be booted by grub and directly by the mobo.

Amikke boosted

I want to make one of those unsecured wifi networks that requires you to go to a page and hit "I agree" before you get internet access, but instead of a EULA it makes you agree to Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up music video.

Amikke boosted

#fediblock - admins CONSTANTLY get too silly - federates with the dangerous alt-right instance - SEVERAL violations of the TOS. This instance isn't the kind of vibe we want - federation with the usual suspects - harbouring wanted fedicriminals guilty of fedisins - misuse of the #fediblock hashtag - too many neocat emojis (click on view remote)

@Bene also the multi-user functionality of Steam on Linux is abominable, it can't even share installed games between users, which is probably why they went with the single user solution for SteamOS. Which sucks, I want everyone to have their private desktop, browser and settings, not one shared environment like it's the 90's and the whole family shares the same account because the parents' computer knowledge ends at knowing how to use a browser (barely).

@icedquinn what did you use previously, ceramic? I had a similar experience switching from ceramic to gas (moving apartaments), suddenly things heat up hella fast.

Amikke boosted

Hello, Fediverse!

This is Clew, an independent search engine developed by @amin that is copyleft, self-hostable, prioritizes sites of independent creators, and downranks ads. Happy to be here on this wonderful platform with you. (If you wanna help kick of federation, please boost!)

We'll be posting a variety of things here, from status updates to blog posts to, very probably, jokes related to independent search.

Try Clew:
About Clew:
Development blog:
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Amikke boosted
> TXR in fact contains an implementation of Awk, in the form of a Lisp macro, which brings us to the next topic.

words spoken by the completely sane :blobcatsleepless:
Amikke boosted

elect me as Unicode consortium president! I will:

mandate sitelen pona support in modern operating systems
implement xkcd’s non-breaking snake proposal
assign codepoints to the neocats, with ZWJ sequences for the hugging variants to allow for combinatorial variation
introduce full configurability of the number of eyes in your cyryllic multiocular O
remove the redundancy between the flags of Poland and Indonesia, factoring it out into a universal “rotate by 180 degrees” codepoint that will definitely not unleash chaos unto the world

the future is in our grasp! vote mei today!

Amikke boosted
Już kiedyś tu pisałem, że od niedawna rozwijam hardforka Soapboksa o (tymczasowej?) nazwie pl-fe. To webowy interfejs do Mastodona, Pleromy, GoToSocial, Mitry i innych platform implementujących API Mastodona i rozszerzających je.

Niedawno zacząłem przenosić kod odpowiadający za komunikację z API do osobnej biblioteki. Już działa, ale na pewno jeszcze trochę przed nią, zanim ją bardziej oficjalnie ogłoszę i będę zachęcał do korzystania z niej innych. Jej celem ma być udostępnianie wszystkich możliwych rozszerzeń API Mastodona w możliwie wyabstrakcjonowany sposób, tak by w kodzie konkretnego oprogramowania nie musiały znajdować się wyjątki dla poszczególnych backendów. Niedawno narzekałem, jak GoToSocial, Mitra i Pleroma wszystkie pozwalają np. na zmianę hasła przez API, ale każde robi to pod osobnym adresem i przyjmuje inne parametry. No to tutaj wszystko jest obsługiwane przez jedną metodę. Robię to głównie dlatego, że wkurza mnie jak słabe jest wsparcie klientów dla funkcji spoza Mastodona, w tym tych których sam jestem autorem.

Oczywiście mojemu klientowi również przyświeca cel możliwie szerokiej obsługi funkcji różnorodnych serwerów. Jak coś to obecnie stoi to na (uwaga, GitHub Pages, jeśli komuś to przeszkadza), choć uprzedzeń że może być niestabilne, jest np. parę bugów z UI które utrudniają używanie.

@icedquinn we as the society should use the resources regained via generative AI to make the twitter artists the now poors that polish fancy things.

Everyone wins.

Amikke boosted
Amikke boosted
open source be like
Amikke boosted

positive computer thing in 2024 

I can plug my phone into my laptop power supply (and neither explodes).

Amikke boosted

If you take a social media sabbatical, don't announce it.

Just make your last post something fun like "I wonder if there's a bear in this cave?"

@Fu that's hilarious. You are preferred by the market since you only need to cover publishing costs, while the author has to cover publishing costs and the pay for actually writing the book. So you have more resources due to stealing their book, so you can get the same thing out of the door cheaper and/or better, so you win every time unless you somehow manage to fuck that up anyway.

To work, the market requires some enforcement of property. This includes intellectual property. Period.


@freemo this kind of "my vote doesn't matter" logic is a fallacy. It's not the diff votes that made a candidate win, it's also all the other votes that brought them high enough to be those diff votes. Your vote can be considered the first vote, the exact first tie-break vote, the last no longer important vote, it doesn't matter, they aren't in order, what matters is that it was one of the votes that made a candidate win or the ones that made a candidate lose less.

"My vote doesn't matter" defeatism is how elections are lost.

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